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Main > Feats > Equipment

Equipment Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Archery Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in bows and crossbows.
Archery Training, Exotic Combat Weapon Training Proficiency in 2 bows and/or crossbows Gain proficiency in exotic bows and crossbows.
Axe Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in axes, picks and axe polearms.
Axe Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in axes, picks and axe polearms.
Axe Training, Exotic Combat Weapon Training Proficiency in 4 axe weapons Gain proficiency in exotic axes, picks and axe polearms.
Blades Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in swords and daggers.
Blades Training, Exotic Combat Weapon Training Proficiency in 4 blade weapons Gain proficiency in exotic swords.
Finesse Fighting Combat Use Dexterity instead of Strength when calculating your melee attack roll.
Hammer Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in hammers and chain weapons.
Hammer Training, Exotic Combat Weapon Training Proficiency in 4 hammer weapons Gain proficiency in exotic hammer and chain weapons.
Polearm Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in various spears and polearms.
Polearm Training, Exotic Combat Weapon Training Proficiency in 4 spears or polearms Gain proficiency in various exotic spears and polearms.
Quick Draw Combat BAB +1 Draw your weapons as a free action.
Simple Weapons Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in various simple bludgeoning weapons.
Street Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in various light and nonlethal weapons.
Street Training, Exotic Combat Weapon Training Proficiency in 4 street weapons Gain proficiency in various exotic light and nonlethal weapons.
Throwing Weapon Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in wide variety of throwing weapons.
Weapon Focus Combat BAB +1 +1 bonus on attack rolls for weapons from a single weapon group.
Weapon Specialization Combat BAB +4, Weapon Focus with the selected weapon group Gain +2 damage when using chosen weapon group.

Advanced Equipment Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Duelist Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in the weapons of a duelist.
Dwarven Axe Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in the traditional axe weapons of the dwarves.
Dwarven Hammer Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in the traditional hammer and pick weapons of the dwarves.
Elvish Weapon Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in the traditional weapons of the elves.
Elvish Weapon Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in the traditional weapons of the elves.
Huntsman Training Combat Weapon Training Suffer 1 less penalty per range increment and gain proficiency in the weapons of a hunter.
Knightly Training Combat Weapon Training Suffer only a -1 AC penalty when charging, and gain proficiency in the weapons of a knight.
Knightly Training Combat Weapon Training Suffer only a -1 AC penalty when charging, and gain proficiency in the weapons of a knight.
Knightly Training Combat Weapon Training Suffer only a -1 AC penalty when charging, and gain proficiency in the weapons of a knight.
Man'o'war Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in a nice spread of battlefield weapons.
Peasant Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in weapons mostly derived from farmers tools.
Rogue Weapon Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in the weapons of a rogue.