Trapper Style

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Main > Feats > Combat Styles > Trapper Style

Can be divided into Darts feats and Snares feats.

Trapper Style Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Deadly Dart Combat Trapper Your dart traps become more deadly.
Rapid Trap Placement Combat Trapper Decrease the time to place a trap by 1 step.
Trap Wielder Combat Trapper Apply a trap directly against a creature.
Trapper Combat Set up snares and improvised dart traps.

Deadly Dart[edit]


Prerequisites: Trapper

Benefit: You gain the following modifier for the dart trap:

Deadly Dart

This larger dart deals slashing and piercing damage and increases the dart’s damage dice to d8. The dart’s critical threat range also improves to 19-20/x3.

Rapid Trap Placement[edit]


Prerequisites: Trapper

Action: swift action

Benefit: When placing a trap using the Trapper feat, you may expend martial focus to reduce the time required to place a trap by 1 step (10 minutes becomes 1 minute, 1 minute becomes 1 round, 1 round becomes a full-round, a full-round becomes a standard, a standard becomes a move).

This cannot be combined with Trap Wielder.

Trap Wielder[edit]


Prerequisites: Trapper

Action: swift action

Benefit: When using the Trapper feat, instead of placing a trap, you may attempt to immediately apply it to a creature. Doing so requires the normal action for placing the trap. As the trap is never set, creatures do not gain any bonus to AC or saves for seeing you set the trap.

You may poison a trap used in this way by spending the required action to poison a weapon no more than 1 round prior to using this feat.

A dart trap may be immediately triggered, originating its line from any corner of your square. This makes you compromised.

A snare trap may be employed against any creature within your natural reach. This does not makes you compromised.




Benefit: You gain the ability to gain and expend martial focus.

In addition, you may make a Crafting check with a DC of 5 to place a trap on any solid surface within your reach as a full-round action. Trapper tradition feats that allow for the use of expensive components allow for the component (alchemist fire, dose of poison, etc.) to be drawn as part of the action required to place the trap unless noted.

As long as you have martial focus, reduce the time required to set a trap from a full-round action to a standard action.

This trap persists for 1 round per point that your check exceed the placement DC.

The trap is placed in a 5-ft. square of your choice. If you possess 5 ranks in Crafting, you may increase this area by one 5-ft. square. All squares a trap occupies must be contiguous and you can not place two separate traps in the same squares.

Entering a trap’s space triggers the trap. A trap may only be triggered once unless otherwise noted. You never set off your own traps unless you choose to.

Trap feats that require a saving throw has a DC of 10 + 1/2 level + practitioner modifier.

The Perception DC to locate a trap is 10 + your Crafting modifier. Creatures who you warn or who see you set a trap are aware of its location and gain a +5 circumstance bonus on Perception checks to notice the trap and Reflex saves and AC to avoid the trap.

Traps are cobbled together from scrap, detritus in the environment, and random bits of string, springs, and other miscellany that have been assembled into easily deployed components. Any creature in possession of a trap bag is considered to have the required materials to build these temporary traps, preparing components during downtime and restocking it for negligible cost at regular intervals, though some feats may allow the use of more expensive components that must be tracked. At the GM’s discretion, some traps may be constructed from materials in the environment even without a trap bag.

A trap may be removed as a full-round action with a Thievery(Disable Device) check with a DC equal to 10 + your Crafting modifier. You always succeed on removing your own traps. You may choose to recover any expensive components or Alchemy tradition formulae used in a successfully removed trap.

If a trap is perceived, it can be targeted and destroyed by attacks without setting it off. A trap has hardness equal to your level, AC equal to 10 + your level, and 5 hit points + 5 hit points per 2 levels you possess.

Trap Abilities: You gain two basic types of temporary traps, darts and snares:


A dart trap is constructed of spring, twine, and usually a needle or other blade. A dart targets a line originating from one corner of one of the squares it occupies determined when it is set. This line extends out to Close range (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 ranks of Crafting you possess) and stops after one creature is hit.

When triggered, make a ranged attack roll against each creature in the line until one is hit. You may substitute your ranks in Crafting + your Intelligence modifier for your base attack bonus + Dexterity modifier on this roll.

The dart deals 1d6 piercing damage, increasing to 2d6 when your Crafting ranks reach 3, and 3d6 when they reach 5, and has a critical threat range of 20 with a x3 multiplier.

You may forgo dart damage to expend an alchemical item (such as a tanglefoot bag), a thrown splash weapon (such as alchemist’s fire or acid flasks), or a dust (a potion containing a spell that affects an area) when making a dart trap to add the effects of that splash weapon to the dart. Resolve the attack verses touch AC. Items with an area of effect count their origin from the nearest corner of the struck creature’s space to the line of the dart’s effect.

You may apply injury poison to a dart as if it were a weapon after it has been set. While setting the trap, you may choose to forgo dart damage, instead expending a dose of a contact or inhaled poison as part of setting the trap. The dart then resolves its attack vs. touch AC. An inhaled poison fills its area as normal, centered on the struck creature’s square (or the first square targeted by the line, if the creature occupies more than one space).

Dart trap modifiers can be acquire through feats, but each trap may only benefit from one dart trap modifier.


A snare trap is constructed from rope, wire, and similar materials. A snare targets the first creature to enter one of the squares it occupies. A creature may avoid triggering a snare with a successful Reflex save; doing so leaves the trap untriggered and makes the creature aware of the trap and able to pass through that trap’s space(s) without further risk of triggering it.

An alchemical item may be rigged to a snare trap. If a creature triggers the trap, the alchemical item is activated, targeting a grid intersection adjacent to the trap chosen when it is set. If the alchemical item is a thrown splash weapon, the triggering creature is affected by the item as if it were struck directly by it. Other small items such as dyes, dusts, vials of perfume, and other items with GM permission may also be attached to a snare trap as well.

An inhaled poison may be rigged to a snare trap. If a creature triggers the trap, the first square entered (the creature’s choice if there is more than one entered simultaneously) becomes the centerpoint for the inhaled poison.

Snare trap modifiers can be acquire through feats, but each trap may only benefit from one snare trap modifier.

Snare Modifier: You gain one modifier for the snare trap:


A creature that fails its save against a tripwire snare falls prone. Once knocked prone, a creature is no longer at risk of triggering the trap in that square. Running and charging creatures take a -2 penalty on their Reflex saves against this trap.

This trap is not destroyed when triggered; instead the duration is reduced by 5 rounds per creature that fails its save.

Special: When using the Crafting skill to craft traps or as part of this tradition's feats, your ranks in Crafting is equal to your level.