Main > Conditions |
You gain 1 additional action at the start of your turn each round. Any effect that make you quickened specify the type of action you can use with this additional action.
If you become quickened from multiple sources, you can use the extra action you’ve been granted for any single action allowed by any of the effects that made you quickened.
Because quickened has its effect at the start of your turn, you don’t immediately gain actions if you become quickened during your turn.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_value` AS `Open Game Content` FROM `cargo__OGLEntries` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content` ON ((`cargo__OGLEntries`.`_ID`=`cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_rowID`)) WHERE Tag = "PF2" GROUP BY `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_value` ORDER BY `_rowID` LIMIT 100
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System Reference Document
Pathfinder 2: Core Rulebook