Main > Feats |
Weapons used to impale a creature cannot be used for attacks except for those against the impaled creature (you cannot impale more than a single creature with your unarmed strikes). Attacking an impaled creature with the impaling weapon ignores armor, natural armor, and shield bonuses to AC.
Controlling an impaling weapon requires the same amount of hands as wielding the weapon does.
You may choose to automatically remove the weapon as a move action, and you can also choose to release the weapon as a free action without dealing damage (although you cannot release natural weapons).
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_value` AS `Open Game Content` FROM `cargo__OGLEntries` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content` ON ((`cargo__OGLEntries`.`_ID`=`cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_rowID`)) WHERE Tag = "SoM" GROUP BY `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_value` ORDER BY `_rowID` LIMIT 100
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