Magic Items/Marvelous Item

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Main > Magic Items > Marvelous Item
Item Price Weight
Origami Charm 75 gp
Quill of Endless Ink 80 gp
Magical Toolkit, Lesser 100 gp 2 lb.
Primordial Clay 150 gp 1 lb.
Magical Toolkit, Common 400 gp 2 lb.
Packet of All Spices 400 gp
Sharpening Stone 400 gp 1 lb.
Chest of Cooling 500 gp 25 lb.
Chest of Cooling 500 gp 25 lb.
War Drum, Lesser 800 gp 3 lb.
Table Knife 850 gp 0.5 lb.
Letter Opener 1,200 gp 0.5 lb.
Repair Wagon 1,385 gp 500 lb.
Magnificent Pots 1,500 gp 35 lb.
Magnificent Pots 1,500 gp 35 lb.
Foodmaker 1,600 gp
Growing Can 1,600 gp
Performer's Edge 1,600 gp 3 lb.
War Drum 1,600 gp 3 lb.
Item Price Weight
Collapsible Kitchen, Wooden 2,000 gp 5 lb.
Folding Cart 2,400 gp 1 lb.
Rolling Campsite 2,400 gp 600 lb.
Magical Toolkit, Greater 2,500 gp 2 lb.
Wagon of Hauling 2,500 gp 400 lb.
Expeditious Pot 4,000 gp 20 lb.
Flask of the Dawn 4,800 gp 2 lb.
Bottomless Bottle 6,500 gp 1 lb.
Item Price Weight
Collapsible Kitchen, Cast Iron 12,000 gp 5 lb.
Item Price Weight
Collapsible Kitchen, Copper 30,000 gp 5 lb.

Bottomless Bottle

This clear glass bottle appears to be full of wine, but no matter how much is poured out it never empties. Most people thus consider it far superior to its cousin, the decanter of endless water.

Speaking a command word when uncorking the bottle determines whether the wine is red or white, but the quality is always average. Quality, however, is sometimes less important than quantity.

Chest of Cooling

This small wooden chest comes in a variety of sizes and shapes, most of which easily fit on the back of a horse. Physically, the chest is just a chest, but an enchantment keeps anything inside cold to preserve its freshness. Most chests come with a small rune on the inside that can be adjusted to control the exact temperature.

Chest of Cooling

This small wooden chest comes in a variety of sizes and shapes, most of which easily fit on the back of a horse. Physically, the chest is just a chest, but an enchantment keeps anything inside cold to preserve its freshness. Most chests come with a small rune on the inside that can be adjusted to control the exact temperature.

Collapsible Kitchen, Cast Iron

When the command word is spoken, it expands into a fully functional kitchen, complete with cookware, cutlery, and fireplace. (The chef must supply any actual food.) Speaking the command word again collapses the kitchen into a small trunk easily carried in one hand. The collapsible kitchen cannot be collapsed while any small-sized or larger creatures are inside. (Smaller creatures, such as rats, are simply expelled. Many chefs find this to be one of the best features.)

A cast iron collapsible kitchen creates a medium workspace (ten feet square) with a decent array of cookware, sufficient for an average eatery.

Collapsible Kitchen, Copper

When the command word is spoken, it expands into a fully functional kitchen, complete with cookware, cutlery, and fireplace. (The chef must supply any actual food.) Speaking the command word again collapses the kitchen into a small trunk easily carried in one hand. The collapsible kitchen cannot be collapsed while any small-sized or larger creatures are inside. (Smaller creatures, such as rats, are simply expelled. Many chefs find this to be one of the best features.)

A copper collapsible kitchen unfolds into a large (thirty feet square) kitchen containing a large oven, several hearths, an array of counters and tables, and essentially any cooking implement a chef could ask for (and several that defy known function).

A copper kitchen also includes up to four invisible servants to serve as assistants. This kitchen suffices for feeding nobility, but preparing meals for kings, emperors, and other royalty requires multiple such kitchens working in concert to make an adequate meal.

Collapsible Kitchen, Wooden

When the command word is spoken, it expands into a fully functional kitchen, complete with cookware, cutlery, and fireplace. (The chef must supply any actual food.) Speaking the command word again collapses the kitchen into a small trunk easily carried in one hand. The collapsible kitchen cannot be collapsed while any small-sized or larger creatures are inside. (Smaller creatures, such as rats, are simply expelled.)

A wooden collapsible kitchen creates a five-foot-square, open-air kitchen with a rudimentary cookware and space for a single fire. It is sufficient for travel or an extremely low-end eatery, but nothing more.

Expeditious Pot

This large, cast-iron pot caters to those without much time, especially busy adventurers-on-the-go. One need only throw in several ingredients, close the lid, and let the pot simmer for ten minutes to prepare a fully cooked meal. An expeditious pot can only make simple dishes like stew and porridge; trying anything more complicated only results in very complicated stew.

Flask of the Dawn

A much-beloved item among newer adventurers who do not have a friendly cleric around to heal them, and originally said to have been gifted to the world by a kind goddess for whom it is named.

The flask of the dawn fills with three uses of a life-giving drink each morning and restores 2d8+2 hit points to anyone who drinks from it (as a standard action). This drink only heals and cannot be used to damage creatures vulnerable to positive energy.

Folding Cart

A folding cart looks like a small wooden box about 6 inches long, 3 inches wide, and 2 inches deep when it is inactive. In this mode, it can be used to store items just like any other box.

Yet when the proper command word is given, the box unfolds itself rapidly in the space of a single round to form a Large chariot weighing 200 lbs.

A second command word causes it to unfold even further into a Huge carriage weighing 600 lbs.

The folding cart cannot unfold if there isn’t enough open space for it to occupy once unfolded. Any objects formerly stored in the box now rest inside the chariot or carriage.

A third word of command causes the chariot or carriage to fold itself into a box once again, but only when it is unoccupied.


Despised the world over by arcane masters confident they could come up with a much better name - but who have been continually rebuffed by commoners who refuse to call it anything else - the foodmaker is a popular choice among caravaners and travelers who expect to travel a long distance and do not know how much food they can find or carry along the way.

Foodmakers look like boxes containing seeds that refresh each morning; once per day, you can toss these seeds onto the ground in a 10-foot radius. Immediately after, plants sprout with enough common food (such as corn or berries) to feed six Medium-sized creatures or two horses for a day.

Growing Can

Once per day, you can pour out the water in a growing can to create a field of ivy, vines, and general plant cover on the ground. This field has a radius of 10 feet.

This is an instantaneous effect and the plants remain on the ground, but may die quickly if the terrain is unsuitable for supporting them. The can refills itself each morning and the water never spills out unless intentionally poured.

Letter Opener

This mildly sharp blade appears to be a sword in miniature, and isn’t designed for combat.

Three times a day the letter opener can be touched to any missive, scroll, map, book, folded parchment or similar communication or text, and it opens the item touched. Any mundane wax seal, strap, lock, knot, cord, stamp, calligraphy, or crest affixed to the missive slides aside without being damaged, and the missive opens itself for easy reading. One minute later, the missive closes itself, resuming its previous configuration and condition with all its seals and bindings in place and undisturbed, showing no signs of tampering.

The letter opener may work on missives with magic seals and closings, but must make a caster level check (1d20+3) against a DC equal to 10 + the caster level of magic seal or fixture. On a failed save, the seal is not disturbed and the missive is not opened. On a successful check, the effect is the same as described above, including resetting itself after one minute (leaving no sign it was ever read).

If used in combat the table knife suffers a –1 penalty to attack rolls, and deals 1d2 damage.

Magical Toolkit, Common

Many adventurers buy these toolkits to supplement personal weaknesses, such as poor observation skills, or to enhance their abilities in a particular area.

Magical toolkits are elaborate toolsets that offer a +2 competence bonus to one skill.

Magical Toolkit, Greater

Many adventurers buy these toolkits to supplement personal weaknesses, such as poor observation skills, or to enhance their abilities in a particular area.

Magical toolkits are elaborate toolsets that offer a +5 competence bonus to one skill.

Magical Toolkit, Lesser

Many adventurers buy these toolkits to supplement personal weaknesses, such as poor observation skills, or to enhance their abilities in a particular area.

Magical toolkits are elaborate toolsets that offer a +1 competence bonus to one skill.

Magnificent Pots

This set of pots and pans makes a chefʼs job as easy as possible.

The chef need only speak a command word and the pot will heat up to 400 degrees (roughly the same as a cookfire). After the meal, another command word makes the pot so slippery that a simple shake removes any remaining food.

Magnificent Pots

This set of pots and pans makes a chefʼs job as easy as possible.

The chef need only speak a command word and the pot will heat up to 400 degrees (roughly the same as a cookfire). After the meal, another command word makes the pot so slippery that a simple shake removes any remaining food.

Origami Charm

A sheet of parchment of assorted colors that requires a Craft (origami) check DC 15 to use as a full-round action. If successful, the crafted origami becomes an awakened Diminutive animated object for 1 hour.

If the Craft check was unsuccessful or the animated object is destroyed before the duration expires, the wondrous item is consumed and drained of all magical power becoming nothing more than a pile of paper confetti. If the duration expires before the animated object is destroyed, the origami reverts back to a sheet of parchment and may be used again.

Special Characters with the Object Familiar feat may select origami charm as their familiar instead of a Tiny animated object.

Origami charms who are made into familiars are not consumed by an unsuccessful Craft (origami) check, but rather become inert for 24 hours or until the character regains their spell pool (whichever comes first), at which time the character regains the ability to reanimate the origami charm.

Packet of All Spices

This small brown packet can contain any known spice, but only one at a time.

Once per day, its owner may speak the name of a spice, reach inside, and find enough of it for an average recipe (enough for 4 people). Some people have tried selling the spices, but since theyʼre in such small amounts (worth 1 GP or less), itʼs not really worth it. Any spice left unused after 24 hours simply disappears.

Performer's Edge

This bottle contains a faintly shimmering lime-green liquid that occasionally switches to another bright color for a moment.

When consumed as a standard action, this liquid grants a +5 enhancement bonus to 1 skill of the drinker’s choice for 2 rounds.

The bottle refills itself once each day, usually sometime late in the afternoon.

Primordial Clay

This substance has a light gray color and is frequently found in hardened balls. Characters with the Creation sphere quickly recognize what it is. Primordial clay is extremely easy to manipulate with magic, and a sphere caster can use it in concert with their Creation sphere abilities. Whenever the sphere caster creates an object with weight equal to or less than the amount of primordial clay they possess (and wish to use), they may use the clay, forming it into whatever they wish to create.

The clay changes shape and even changes what type of matter it is - it can become any material the caster can manipulate, but it can not transform into anything biologically reactive or chemically explosive (like alchemical components or food) or any form of gemstone. When the caster uses the clay this way, it retains its shape indefinitely, or until they use it again.

It is trivial for a Creation caster to transform the clay into something wearable, so it’s is always a free action to draw the clay into their hand.

Quill of Endless Ink

This feather quill is perpetually supplied with ink, creating enough to write continuously, though never dripping. The quill usually comes with a small metal carrying case capable of safely holding up to three quills. Some quills are creating with special inks; 5 vials of the special ink are consumed in the process of crafting a quill with a special ink. Each quill can only use one type of ink.

Repair Wagon

These broad Huge wagons are constructed of heavy, dark wood and thick bands of riveted iron. They are tougher than typical wagons (hardness 6), and very popular with traveling craftsmen and large caravans.

Once per day, the repair wagon, or one item kept in the wagon, is restored of 3d6 hit points. If the object has the broken condition, this condition is removed if the object is restored to at least half its original hit points. All of the pieces of an object must be present for this spell to function.

The wagon is always the object repaired if it has any hp damage on it. Otherwise, the heaviest item within the wagon that has suffered any hp damage receives the make whole. This item does not affect creatures (including constructs). This item has no effect on objects that have been warped or otherwise transmuted, but it can still repair damage done to such items.

Rolling Campsite

A rolling campsite looks like a typical merchant’s carriage—able to carry four passengers inside its cabin and a total of four drivers and guards on the outside. It has sturdy cargo racks on the top, back and each side.

In transport mode, it can be used to transport people and cargo normally.

When the proper command word is given, the carriage unfolds itself rapidly in the space of a single round to form a campsite. The campsite includes a stable for the mounts (which are automatically unharnessed and placed safely within) and a 4-person pavilion. Any cargo from the carriage is neatly stacked next to the stable, except for camp gear. Any camp gear packed on the back of the carriage (including campfire materials, cooking utensils, other tents, bedrolls, and so on) are set up in a circle around the carriage’s pavilion.

A second command word causes the campsite to clean itself, and pack back onto the carriage (which forms from the stable, and re-harnesses its mounts). Any objects formerly stored next to the stable now rest inside the carriage (to a maximum of the carriage’s cargo capacity, as determined by the mounts pulling it).

Sharpening Stone

This grey stone is supernaturally effective at honing power of various weapons - including, oddly, blunt weapons like hammers that do not have an edge to sharpen.

Once per day, as a standard action, a creature can use a sharpening stone to give a weapon a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 round. This overlaps (and does not stack with) any existing enhancement bonus on an item.

Calculate the duration of this effect starting from the end of the user’s turn (so the enhancement, at the base level, wears off at the end of the character’s next round, ensuring at least one round of use).

Table Knife

As a standard action, the knife may be touched to a cloak, linen, tablecloth or other single sheet of cloth up to 30 square feet in size (the knife may be touched to a larger sheet, but only 30 square feet of cloth is affected by the knife’s power). The table knife then dances to the center of the cloth and stands handleup, balancing on its tip.

The magic of the knife causes the cloth to become a solid surface (hardness 2, 5 hp) that hovers at a convenient height for dining, playing cards, or performing work or crafts. The cloth tabletop must be perfectly horizontal and can hold up 75 lbs of items.

It collapses back into normal cloth if it is forced to move (DC 10 Strength check) or suffers any damage, otherwise the cloth maintains this tabletop surface until the table knife is removed.

If used in combat the table knife suffers a –1 penalty to attack rolls, and deals 1d2 damage.

Wagon of Hauling

A wagon of hauling is a sizeable Huge 4-wheeled wagon with a seat near the front, sturdy wooden sides, and a back door that can swing to hang down from the wagon, leaving the whole back of the bed open.

A wagon of hauling increases the carrying capacity of mounts harnessed to it by 50%. Thus while an ordinary wagon pulled by 2 draft horses can be loaded with a maximum of 1,800 lbs of cargo, a wagon of hauling can have 2,700 lbs of cargo and still be pulled by the same two horses.

War Drum

War drums are small, highly portable drums often created by militaristic societies.

Once per day, you can play a war drum as a standard action to activate the totem effect it contains. This creates a stationary effect with a radius of 55 feet that lasts for 1 round.

War Drum, Lesser

War drums are small, highly portable drums often created by militaristic societies.

Once per day, you can play a war drum as a standard action. This creates a stationary effect with a radius of 55 feet that lasts for 1 round, and provides a +2 circumstance bonus to all weapon damage rolls from you and your allies.