Fighter’s Gird
Main > Magic Items |
Slot | Cost | Weight | Aura | CL | Rarity |
belt | 1,700 gp | 1 lb. | faint Protection | 3 | rare |
This is a thick, studded belt of boiled leather and steel rivets. A steel plate is mounted to the front, depicting a lion’s head roaring. Three buckles are found on each side of the belt.
This item is stiff and thick enough to cause you to take a –1 armor check penalty when unarmored (though it does not count as armor for purposes of abilities that can only be used when unarmored, nor does it have any arcane spell failure). However, if you are wearing any other armor with at least a –1 armor check penalty, the penalty from the fighter’s gird does not stack (it covers many of the same areas, thus creating no further hindrance when combined with other armor).
Infuse Item, Abjurer; Cost 850 gp
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
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