Feats/Creation School/Alter

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Main > Feats > Creation School > Creator > Alter

Altering an object is a standard action and requires you to be touching the object to be altered. You cannot alter an animate target (such as a golem or animated object) and the object must be non-magical and unattended (not held, worn, or part of a creature’s equipment).

When you gain the Creation School, you may alter objects in the following ways:

Repair: You may repair a damaged object, healing it a number of hit points equal to 1d4 + 1/2 your caster level. If the object has the broken condition, this condition is removed if the object is restored to at least half its original hit points. This ability cannot restore warped or transmuted items, but it can still repair damage done to such items.

Destroy: You deal damage to the object equal to 1d4+ 1/2 your caster level. This bypasses all hardness. An object reduced to less than half its hit points gains the broken condition.

Alter Feats Feats

Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Classic Substances Arcane Creation Creator Create glass, water, stone and metal and more.
Creator Arcane Creation School Gain the ability to alter, create and destroy matter.
Forge Arcane Creation Creator Gain the ability to change the shape of items.
Larger Creation Arcane Creation Creator Double the size of the objects you can alter or create.

Alter Feats Drawback Feats

Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Limited Creation Creator Lose the ability to Alter or Create