Metal Geomancy
Main > Feats |
(Arcane, Geomancy)
You can command metal to do your bidding.
(instantaneous, requires metal)
As a standard action, you may cause an unattended object consisting mostly of metal (whose size is not larger than your maximum ore size in the chart below) to fly towards a creature or object of your choice within Close range.
You may choose to throw the item harmlessly (in which case it can either be caught by the target or else lands in an adjacent square), or you may use this as an attack.
This counts as a ranged attack, except you must use your casting ability modifier in place of Dexterity. If successful, you deal either the object’s ‘ore damage’, or if it is a weapon, the weapon’s damage (arrows and bolts with metal tips count as daggers for this purpose, dealing 1d4 damage). Despite the name of this ability, the target object or creature needn’t be made of metal.
Recover Ore
(instantaneous, requires dirt or sand)
As a standard action, you may create a piece of metal ore by pulling and combining particles of metal from the ground.
You must spend a spell point to use this ability, and must have a large enough piece of earth (sand or dirt) to pull the ore from.
This piece of ore can be brass, bronze, copper, or tin, and the size of the ore recovered depends both on your caster level and the square footage of earth you pull from according to the chart below.
The piece of ore you recover is formed on the ground in an unoccupied space within Close range and can be of any basic shape (a ball, a rod, a sheet, even a chair) but cannot be anything complex or with moving parts. You may also pull multiple pieces of ore placed in different adjacent squares, so long as their combined size does not exceed your maximum, and each piece of recovered ore must be of the same type (such as copper or tin). For these purposes, 2 Fine-sized pieces of ore equals 1 Diminutive-sized piece, etc.
While this effect is instantaneous and thus cannot be dispelled, ore breaks back into particles after 1 hour per caster level.
If a piece of ore is used as a weapon, it counts as an improvised weapon, dealing either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, chosen at the time of recovery. The damage such a weapon deals is listed as ‘ore damage’ in the chart below. As always, improvised weapons bestow a -4 penalty to attack rolls.
Minimum Caster Level |
Required Earth to Pull From |
Ore Size | Ore Damage |
Ore Weight (maximum) |
1 | 1 ft cube | Fine | 1 | .8 lbs |
1 | 5 ft cube | Diminutive | 1d2 | 1 lbs |
1 | 10 ft cube | Tiny | 1d3 | 8 lbs |
2 | 25 ft cube | Small | 1d4 | 60 lbs |
4 | 50 ft cube | Medium | 1d6 | 500 lbs |
8 | 75 ft cube | Large | 1d8 | 4,000 lbs |
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
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