Page values for "Feats/Aerial Trip"

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NameAerial Trip



BAB +5, Deft Maneuvers


You can trip flying creatures causing them to fall.


You can Combat Maneuvers flying opponents. If you would successfully trip a flying opponent, it falls at a rate of 10 ft per round for every point of base attack bonus you possess (assuming it is conscious and attempting to remain airborne; otherwise, it falls at a rate of 500 ft per round) until it hits the ground. The creature falls immediately after being tripped, then again each round thereafter at the end of your turn.

Upon impact, the creature falls prone and takes normal falling damage (maximum: 1d6 per 10 ft. in its falling speed). A falling creature is considered immobilized until it hits the ground, but it can attempt a Acrobatics check as a free action at the start of its turn to stop falling before it hits the ground (DC = 15 + your base attack bonus); otherwise, it is unable to move (other than falling) but can act normally. You can choose to descend with the opponent, although this movement cannot exceed two times your normal flight speed.