Page values for "Feats/Beast Tamer"

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"Feats" values

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NameBeast Tamer
MainCategoryAnimal Tamer Style




Animal Ken 5 ranks, Tame Animal


Temporarily tame any creature as a standard action.


You may expend martial focus as a standard action to force a creature to which you can tame within close range (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 base attack bonus) to make a Will save or have its attitude improved to helpful and serve you as a tame creature for 1 minute per rank in Animal Ken you possess. Creatures not of the animal type gain a +2 bonus on their Will saves.

Once a creature saves successfully against your use of this ability, it is immune to further uses of this ability by you for 24 hrs. When the duration of the tame effect ends, the creature returns to its previous disposition, modified by any other effects that would have altered it in the meantime. Attempting to make the creature perform an obviously suicidal action ends the tame.