Page values for "Feats/Classic Substances"

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"Feats" values

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NameClassic Substances
MainCategoryCreation School



KeywordsCreate Alter



Create glass, water, stone and metal and more.


When you create or alter an object, you may work with any non-harmful material with a hardness of 5 or less, including glass, ice, or leather. You may create water (3 cubic ft equals a small creature), but not gases or flesh. You may make objects with multiple materials, provided you can create all the materials required. As you gain caster levels, you also gain the ability to make steadily more materials, as detailed in the table below. Adamantine cannot be created or altered, except for the repair and destroy abilities.

Note: Objects of stone or harder materials deal double damage when dropped on a target.

Caster Level Materials Substance Hardness Hit Points
1st stone Glass 1 1/in. of thickness
5th basic metals (iron, steel, copper) Ice 0 3/in. of thickness
10th precious metals (gold, silver) Stone 8 15/in. of thickness
Iron or steel 10 30/in. of thickness