Page values for "Feats/Followers"

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FluffPractitioners of the Followers style learn how to gather, organize, and command others.
MainCategoryFollowers Style






Gain a group of followers


You gain the ability to gain and expend martial focus as well as the following abilities:


When you gain this ability, choose a settlement with which you are well acquainted. Your gain 5 followers per rank in Diplomacy drawn from there. When first gaining this ability, it is assumed that you have spent time in the past making contacts, deals, and promises and that you are well known enough in the community to attract a group of followers. These followers will not accompany you into dangerous locations, but can lend assistance in various ways.

See the rules for Followers


Your followers can follow you as you travel, providing cartage. This caravan has an overland movement speed of 3 miles per hour and can travel 32 miles a day. The caravan has wagons and draft animals necessary to carry 100 pounds of objects per rank in Diplomacy in addition to sufficient provisions to sustain themselves in normal conditions.

The caravan can make camp, setting up tents, cooking, and performing other camp tasks. Doing so increases the progress a PC can make when crafting while adventuring by 2 hours per day (normally going from 2 hours to 4 hours a day).

When you enter a settlement, you can disperse your caravan there, allowing you to gain the benefits of your followers while in that settlement. Gathering a caravan after it has been dispersed requires 1 hour.

Note: Your caravan doesn’t have to rest at the same time as you do. If the caravan rests while you adventure, they can travel while you rest, carrying a number of Medium creatures equal to your practitioner modifier plus your ranks in Diplomacy. Two Small creatures counts as one Medium creature, two Medium creatures count as one Large creature, etc.

See the rules for the Caravan


Gain a number of ranks in Diplomacy equal to your level. Whenever you gain a level your ranks in diplomacy increases by +1.

If you already have ranks in the Diplomacy skill you may immediately retrain them, but you do not get to retrain when only temporarily gaining the feat.