Page values for "Feats/Improved Acid Flask"

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"Feats" values

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NameImproved Acid Flask
MainCategoryAlchemist Style





Create an acid flask with improved damage.


Craft DC: 15

You create a flask of acid that functions as a splash weapon you can use as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 ft., dealing 1d6 acid damage +1d6 per two Crafting (alchemy) ranks you possess to the target of a direct hit, half that damage to targets 5 ft. away from the point of contact, and 1 point of acid splash damage per die of damage this weapon deals on a direct hit to targets 10 ft. away from the point of contact (to a maximum of half the damage dealt to the primary target). Targets who take at least 2 points of acid damage from the initial attack take half the total damage again on the following round.

You can increase the Craft DC for this weapon in increments of 10; each time you do so, the range for each damage increment increases by 5 ft. (for example, if you increase the Craft DC to 25, you would deal full damage to all targets within 5 ft. of the point of contact, half damage to all targets 10 ft. away from the point of contact, and 1 point of damage to all creatures within 15 ft.).