Page values for "Feats/Purposeful Training"

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"Feats" values

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NamePurposeful Training
MainCategoryAnimal Tamer Style




Tame Animal


Grant a tamed creature a general purpose, and learn to retrain skills and feat.


When you tame a creature, you may automatically grant them one general purpose per the Animal Ken skill.

At +4 base attack bonus you may grant the creature a bonus trick. The purpose and tricks granted by this ability do not count against the maximum number of tricks a creature may know.

If you possess the Broad Skills feat, you may even apply this ability to mindless vermin.

You also gain the following ability:

Retrain Animal

4 hours

You may retrain one feat, purpose, trick, or a number of skill ranks equal to your ranks in Animal Ken with 4 hours of training. The new feats and skill must be appropriate to a creature of animal intelligence.

The GM is the final arbiter of what feats and skills are suitable.