Page values for "Feats/Shapeshifter"

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FluffYou have the ability to change the physical makeup of creatures.
MainCategoryAlteration School






You gain the power to shapeshift yourself and others.


You gain the following ability:


As a standard action you may shapeshift yourself or a touched creature, changing their form for as long as you concentrate. If the target is unwilling, this costs a spell point, and they are allowed a Fortitude save to negate. You may spend a spell point to allow a shapeshift to remain for 1 minute per caster level without concentration. You may dismiss your shapeshift as a free action.

Creature Traits: When shapeshifting a target, the caster must choose a form and a series of traits for them. Forms constitute a creature’s basic physical makeup (humanoid, draconic, animalistic, avian, etc.) while traits are special characteristics or alterations (natural attacks, creature size, monster special abilities, etc.). A caster may grant 1 trait (increasing to 2 at caster level 5) and cannot grant the same trait more than once unless the trait indicates it may be granted multiple times.

With the exception of Blank Form (detailed below), placing a form on a creature causes that creature’s physical body to change into that of another creature. The target gains the listed number of limbs and loses all others.

The target loses any extraordinary or supernatural abilities, natural attacks, and movement types dependent on their original form (darkvision, scent, wings, claws, etc.) and gains the listed benefits in their place. Alternate sources of physical traits (such as a dragon sorcerer’s ability to grow claws) still function.

Equipment: In addition, the target’s equipment melds into their new form, causing them to lose their armor and shield bonuses and the ability to pull any item from a backpack or belt. They also cannot activate magic items (although constant bonuses from magic items still remain).

If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.