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|Name=Greater Grapple
|Name=Aerial Trip
|Fluff=Armlocks and other holds are a natural part of your arsenal.
|SubCategories=Combat, Unarmed Combatant
|Prereq=BAB +5, {{link_feat|Deft Maneuvers}}
|Prereq=BAB +6, one {{link_feat|Unarmed Combatant}} feat
|Short=You can trip flying creatures causing them to fall.
|Short=Gain the ability to pin opponents in a grapple.
|Benefit=You can {{Link|Combat Maneuvers|Trip}} flying opponents. If you would successfully trip a flying opponent, it falls at a rate of 10 ft per round for every point of base attack bonus you possess (assuming it is conscious and attempting to remain airborne; otherwise, it falls at a rate of 500 ft per round) until it hits the ground. The creature falls immediately after being tripped, then again each round thereafter at the end of your turn.
|Benefit=You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Unarmed Combatant.

If you are engaged in a grapple, you can also make a Combat Maneuver check against any other creature in the grapple to give it the [[Pinned]] condition. If you do this, you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC for as long as the pin is maintained. If you leave the grapple, the creature loses its Pinned condition.}}
Upon impact, the creature falls prone and takes normal falling damage (maximum: 1d6 per 10 ft. in its falling speed). A falling creature is considered [[immobilized]] until it hits the ground, but it can attempt a Acrobatics check as a free action at the start of its turn to stop falling before it hits the ground (DC = 15 + your base attack bonus); otherwise, it is unable to move (other than falling) but can act normally. You can choose to descend with the opponent, although this movement cannot exceed two times your normal flight speed.

Latest revision as of 11:31, 18 August 2021

Main > Feats > Maneuvers > Aerial Trip


Prerequisites: BAB +5, Deft Maneuvers

Benefit: You can Combat Maneuvers flying opponents. If you would successfully trip a flying opponent, it falls at a rate of 10 ft per round for every point of base attack bonus you possess (assuming it is conscious and attempting to remain airborne; otherwise, it falls at a rate of 500 ft per round) until it hits the ground. The creature falls immediately after being tripped, then again each round thereafter at the end of your turn.

Upon impact, the creature falls prone and takes normal falling damage (maximum: 1d6 per 10 ft. in its falling speed). A falling creature is considered immobilized until it hits the ground, but it can attempt a Acrobatics check as a free action at the start of its turn to stop falling before it hits the ground (DC = 15 + your base attack bonus); otherwise, it is unable to move (other than falling) but can act normally. You can choose to descend with the opponent, although this movement cannot exceed two times your normal flight speed.

Prerequisite for: No results

Open Gaming License Version 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.


System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

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