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Line 5: Line 5:
|Fluff=You may craft images and impressions of things that aren’t there.
|Fluff=You may craft images and impressions of things that aren’t there.
|MainCategory=Illusion School
|MainCategory=Illusion School
|SubCategories=Arcane, School
|SubCategories=Arcane, Illusion, School
|Keywords=Figment, Glamer, Illusion, Phantasm, Trick
|Keywords=Figment, Glamer, Illusion, Phantasm, Trick
|Short=You can create simple silent illusions.
|Short=You can create simple silent illusions.
|Benefit=You gain the following two abilities {{link|Feats/Illusion School/Trick}}, {{link|Feats/Illusion School/Illusion}} and Alter Appearance.  
|Benefit=You gain the following three abilities {{link|Feats/Illusion School/Trick}}, {{link|Feats/Illusion School/Illusion}} and Alter Appearance.  

{{AbilityCard|Trick|{{:Feats/Illusion School/Trick}}}}
{{AbilityCard|Trick|{{:Feats/Illusion School/Trick}}}}

Latest revision as of 20:35, 15 May 2022

Main > Feats > Magic Schools > Illusion School > Trickster

(Arcane, Illusion, School)

You may craft images and impressions of things that aren’t there.

Benefit: You gain the following three abilities Trick, Illusion and Alter Appearance.



As a standard action, you may create small, simple illusions called tricks within close range, which persist for 1 minute per level or until dismissed.

Effects: You may create unconvincing illusions. This is the same as creating an illusion (see below) and can include all senses you can affect through Trickster feats, except it is obviously fake (i.e., it is translucent, unrealistic, etc.).

However, the effects can still be used to create distractions, display images, draw a map, or be used for entertainment. This counts as possessing the required tools to make any appropriate Perform check (such as creating a melody with the Audible Illusion talent).



As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to create a silent visual illusion within close range for as long as you concentrate, to a maximum of 1 minute per caster level.

You cannot move further away from the illusion than your illusion range while maintaining it through concentration, and the illusion is limited in size according to the table below. The image may be anything you may clearly imagine, and behaves according to your desires.

Maximum Size
Size in cubes
1st Medium 5 ft. cube
3rd Large 10 ft. cube
5th Huge 15 ft. cube
8th Gargantuan 20 ft. cube

You may only create visual illusions although certain feats may be taken to add more senses. The more complex an illusion is, the more feats it requires to be convincing.

If creating an illusionary creature, your illusion has an attack bonus equal to your caster level + your casting ability modifier, and a touch armor class equal to 10 + its size modifier + 1/2 your caster level + your casting ability modifier. An illusionary creature may provide a flanking bonus against targets that believe it to be real (as defined for figments).

Alter Appearance

(glamer, phantasm)

As a standard action, you may make minor changes to a touched object or creature up to your Illusion maximum size, such as changing their color, making them appear clean or dirty, making writing appear, or other minor alterations.

This counts as having a disguise kit when making Disguise checks (which take the usual time instead of a standard action), but such a disguise still counts as being magical for the purposes of detecting magic or for spells and effects that allow a target to see through magical effects and illusions.

The phantasm affects all creatures within close range who observe the affected creature or object. Creatures that move beyond this range are not affected by the phantasm, though moving back into range reapplies the effect.

Illusion sphere abilities do not allow spell resistance unless placed as a glamer on a creature with resistance.

If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.

Prerequisite for: Complex Illusion, Daylight, Decoy, Enlarged Illusion, Illusionary Disguise, Illusionary Odor, Illusionary Sound, Illusionary Touch, Lingering Illusion, Manipulate Aura, Obscure Senses, Permanent Image, Ranged Illusion, Silence

Open Gaming License Version 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.


System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

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System Reference Document

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook

Spheres of Power