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{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Enhancement Charm !! Minimum Caster Level !! Required School Feat !! Maximum Bonus !! Base Cost
! Enhancement Charm !! Minimum Caster<br>Level !! Required<br>School Feat !! Maximum<br>Bonus !! Base Cost
| Ability score bonus (enhancement) || 2x bonus || Enhancer || +6 || Bonus squared x 1,000 gp
| Ability score bonus (enhancement) || 2x bonus || Enhancer || +6 || Bonus squared x 1,000 gp

Revision as of 02:16, 16 January 2022

Main > Magic > Marvelous Item

A marvelous item is a device that produces a magical effect. It comes in two flavors: Apparatus which must be activated, and charms which are active as long as they are worn or carried.

Apparatus Activation: Usually a standard action such as the touch of a button, the speaking of a command word, or some other action such as striking the item against the ground, holding it against the intended target, throwing the item through the air.
Apparatus Crafting: Apparatus use the spell-based method of magic item creation. If an apparatus’s effect requires a saving throw from any creature, the DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the item’s caster level.
Apparatus Cost: An apparatus can be used once per day by default, and costs 400 gp x caster level x complexity.

Additionally, an apparatus can possess the following custom multipliers.

Multiple Uses: If an apparatus can be used multiple times per day, multiply the cost by the number of daily uses. If its uses per day is increased to 5, it becomes usable an unlimited number of times per day.

Limited Uses: If an apparatus can be used at will but only a maximum of 50 times before it loses all of its magic, multiply its cost by 2.5.

Charm Crafting: Charms use the spell-based method of magic item creation. If an apparatus’s effect requires a saving throw from any creature, the DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the item’s caster level.
Charm Cost: Creating a charm costs 2,000 gp x caster level x complexity.

An item must have an effect measured in hours to be made into a charm. Thus, as an example, if making a charm of the Battlemage totem spell-based item creation effect, which is measured in rounds, the effect would need to have its duration increased by 3 steps (+6 complexity) before it could be made into a charm.

Continual Life Sphere Effects: Creating a charm that grants what is normally an instantaneous effect, such as Vivomancer effects, has a base complexity of 6. If crafting a charm that grants a continual cure, the effect becomes instead fast healing 1 (+1 per additional +1 in complexity). If a charm grants a continual restore, it instead grants immunity to one effect (+1 per additional +1 in complexity; a creature cannot gain immunity to effects that require a magic skill check to remove or are unaffected by the Life sphere). Temporary hit points cannot be made into a continual effect.
Enhancements: Rather than using the spell-based method of magic item creation, a charm may be made to add permanent enhancements and effects to an item, such that whoever wears or uses that item gains that bonus for as long as they

are wearing or using that item.

When forging a charm, the crafter must possess the school feat associated with the charm to be made. The base cost of a charm, as well as the minimum caster level required, vary depending on the type of charm being made.
Enhancement Charm Minimum Caster
School Feat
Base Cost
Ability score bonus (enhancement) 2x bonus Enhancer +6 Bonus squared x 1,000 gp
AC bonus (deflection) 3x bonus Abjurer +5 Bonus squared x 2,000 gp
AC bonus (natural armor) 3x bonus Shapeshifter +5 Bonus squared x 2,000 gp
AC bonus (other) 3x bonus Various* +3 Bonus squared x 2,500 gp
Energy resistance** 1/2 granted resistance Abjurer +30 resistance x 1,600 - 4,000 gp, resistance 5 minimum
Save bonus (resistance) 3x bonus Abjurer +5 Bonus squared x 1,000 gp
Save bonus (other) 3x bonus Various* +3 Bonus squared x 2,000 gp
Skill bonus (competence) 1x bonus Mentalist +20 Bonus squared x 100 gp
Spell resistance 1/2 granted resistance Abjurer - 10,000 gp per point over SR 12, SR 13 minimum
CMB/CMD (competence)*** 3x bonus Enhancer +5 Bonus squared x 1,000 gp
  • While uncommon, it is possible to have charms that grant luck, insight, profane, or sacred bonuses to AC or saving throws, morale bonuses to saving throws, or other bonuses. When applying such benefits through a charm, morale bonuses have Mentalist as a base sphere, insight bonuses have Diviner as a base sphere, and luck, profane, and sacred bonuses have Auspician as a base sphere.
    • Resistance to one type of energy, chosen at time of item creation
      • Applies to one combat maneuver, chosen at time of item creation