Difference between revisions of "Feats/Grease"

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(Created page with "{{Feat |Name=Grease |MainCategory=Alchemist Style |SubCategories=Combat |Keywords=Formulae |Prereq={{link_feat|Alchemist}}, ''Formulae'' package |Short=Create concoction which...")
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|MainCategory=Alchemist Style
|MainCategory=Alchemist Style
|Prereq={{link_feat|Alchemist}}, ''Formulae'' package
|Prereq={{link_feat|Alchemist}}, ''Formulae'' package
|Short=Create concoction which restores martial focus as a move action.
|Short=Create magical grease which aids escape and hinders movement.
|Benefit='''Craft DC: 20'''
|Benefit='''Craft DC: 20'''

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This grease remains for 2 rounds. You can increase the Craft DC of this alchemical by 5 to increase the duration of the grease’s effects for 2 additional rounds, or to increase the bonuses and penalties granted by the alchemical grease by 1. You can apply both modifications to the same vial of grease but must apply the DC increases separately for each effect (so increasing the grease’s duration by 2 rounds and increasing the bonuses and penalties by 1 requires a total modification to the crafting DC of +10).
This grease remains for 2 rounds. You can increase the Craft DC of this alchemical by 5 to increase the duration of the grease’s effects for 2 additional rounds, or to increase the bonuses and penalties granted by the alchemical grease by 1. You can apply both modifications to the same vial of grease but must apply the DC increases separately for each effect (so increasing the grease’s duration by 2 rounds and increasing the bonuses and penalties by 1 requires a total modification to the crafting DC of +10).

Revision as of 14:37, 6 August 2021

Main > Feats > Combat Styles > Alchemist Style > Grease


Prerequisites: Alchemist, Formulae package

Benefit: Craft DC: 20

You create a flask of alchemical grease that can be applied to yourself or a willing creature within your reach as a move action, or thrown as a splash weapon. When applied to a willing creature, they gain a +5 circumstance bonus on Acrobatics(Escape Artist) checks, and to CMB checks to escape a grapple. When thrown as a splash weapon, creatures directly hit by the attack take a -2 penalty to Acrobatics checks, CMD against disarm and trip attempts, and to Reflex saving throws against effects that deal fire damage or which cause a creature to catch fire on a failed saving throw; creatures within the splash radius of the weapon take the same penalties but reduce them by 50% (rounded down). In addition, any creature affected by this alchemical grease who falls prone must succeed on an Acrobatics check with a DC equal to the practitioner’s combat feat save DC when standing up or immediately fall prone again. A creature may end this effect by spending a standard action removing the grease.

This grease remains for 2 rounds. You can increase the Craft DC of this alchemical by 5 to increase the duration of the grease’s effects for 2 additional rounds, or to increase the bonuses and penalties granted by the alchemical grease by 1. You can apply both modifications to the same vial of grease but must apply the DC increases separately for each effect (so increasing the grease’s duration by 2 rounds and increasing the bonuses and penalties by 1 requires a total modification to the crafting DC of +10).

Prerequisite for: No results

Open Gaming License Version 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.


System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

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System Reference Document

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook

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