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Main > Feats > Skill


Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Skill Focus Skill +3 bonus on one skill

Perception Skill Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Heightened Awareness Skill Perception 1 rank Detect magical auras with Perception.
Identify Structural Hazards Skill Perception 1 rank Use Perception in place of Lore when identifying hazards.
Track The Scene Skill Perception 1 rank, Tracker Gain a bonus to Perception when following tracks, and gain more information about the tracked creatures.
Tracker Skill Perception 1 rank Allows you to follow tracks when the DC is higher than 10.

Advanced Perception Skill Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Magehunter's Vision Skill Arcana 3 ranks, Perception 3 ranks, Heightened Awareness Use your keen eyes to read the details of magical auras.

Stealth Skill Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Hidden Appearance Skill Stealth 1 rank You may use Stealth in place of Deception checks to change your appearance.
Lurker Skill Stealth 1 rank Blindsight and other special senses don't automatically foil your Stealth.

Advanced Stealth Skill Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Vanish Skill martial focus, Stealth 7 ranks, Lurker, Walk Unseen Use Stealth skill to hide even when observed.
Walk Unseen Skill martial focus, Stealth 7 ranks, Lurker Remain hidden for 1 round when leaving concealment.