Fire Geomancy

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Main > Feats > Magic Schools > Geomancy School > Fire Geomancy

(Arcane, Geomancy)

You can command fire to do your bidding.

Prerequisites: Geomancer

Benefit: You gain the following two geomancy abilities:

Create Fire

(concentration, no requirements)

You may produce a Diminutive-sized magical fire that burns without fuel, and may be used to ignite flammable materials to create self-sustaining, non-magical fire.

The size of the fire increases to tiny size category at caster level 5.

If a target is within the area of the created fire, they suffer damage as normal for that fire’s size and Catch Fire.

A successful Reflex save halves the damage and negates catching fire.


(concentration, requires fire)

You may affect a normal, non-magical fire, increasing or decreasing its size by one category (or two size categories once you reach caster level 5).

This is only a temporary change; once the effect ends, the fire returns to its normal size.

The minimum caster level required to affect a fire is given below:

Fire Size Example Damage
per Round
1st Fine Tindertwig 1 ½ ft square
1st Diminutive Torch 1d3 1 ft square
1st Tiny Small Campfire 1d6 2½ ft square
3rd Small Large Campfire 2d6 5 ft square
5th Medium Forge 3d6 5 ft square
8th Large Bonfire 4d6 10 ft square
Huge Burning Shack 5d6 15 ft square
Gargantuan Burning Tavern 6d6 20 ft square
Colossal Burning Inn 7d6 30 ft square

The fire consumes fuel and deals damage as appropriate for its new size.

If two casters are affecting the same fire in the same direction (increasing or decreasing) only the strongest change occurs.

If two casters attempt to affect fire in opposite directions (one making it bigger, one making it smaller), the second caster must succeed at a magic skill check. On a success, their ability functions normally, overlapping the first caster’s effect. The fire counts as its altered size for determining if the second caster can affect it.

If a creature is on fire, treat that fire as being Tiny sized (1d6 damage) for the purpose of this effect. When you affect a fire on a creature, you also raise or lower the Reflex save DC to put the fire out by 1/2 your caster level (minimum: 0).

If you possess Earth Geomancy you also gain the following two geomancy abilities:

Freeze Lava

(instantaneous, requires lava)

You may spend two spell points to flash freeze lava, turning it into obsidian.

You may freeze a 1 inch thick, 5 ft by 5 ft square of lava per caster level. This obsidian has a hardness of 5 and 3 hit points per caster level and does not cause damage to creatures touching it, though continued contact with lava may cause it to melt again.

Lava Vortex

(concentration, requires lava)

You may spend a spell point to create a spinning vortex in a body of lava that sucks creatures and objects to its center.

This vortex is 5 ft wide at its base, is 10 ft high + 5 ft per 5 caster levels, and is half as wide at the top as it is high.

You may move the vortex up to 30 ft per round as part of the concentration check required to maintain it. If maintaining the effect through a spell point, you may designate a simple pattern for it to move, which you may alter as a move action.

Any creature entering the vortex's area must pass a Reflex save or suffer bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + 1/2 your caster level (minimum: 0) in addition to the normal damage from being in lava.

If the creature is smaller than the vortex, they must pass a second Reflex save or be pulled into the middle of the vortex. Creatures in the middle of the vortex suffer bludgeoning damage once per round with no save, and must pass a Reflex save each round or be unable to move, and on a success may only move at half their swim speed. A vortex cannot contain more creatures than would exceed its volume. If the vortex moves, creatures in the middle of the vortex are carried along with it.

Prerequisite for: No results

Open Gaming License Version 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.


System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

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System Reference Document

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook

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