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{{Archetype |Name=Mercenary |Build=Conscript with Knightly martial tradition and Conscript Weapon Training and Armor Training specializations. |HD=1d10 |SkillRanksPerLevel=4 |Proficiencies=Mercenaries are proficient with simple weapons, as well as the flail, greatsword, halberd, heavy flail, heavy pick, light pick, lance, longsword, shortsword, and warhammer. You may also wield the bastard sword and estoc, but only as two-handed martial weapons. You are also proficient with light, medium and heavy armor and all shields, including tower shields. You are also proficient in all shield bashes.


1st Level[edit]

Base Attack
+1 +2 +2 +0

Combat Training

You may choose either Wisdom or Intelligence as your practitioner modifier.


You gain the Berserker or the Shield Fighter feat as a bonus feat. In addition you may pick three other combat feats.

If this is your first character level, you also gain a feat for that.

Shield Fighter:

Pick the Shield Fighter feat you pick the feats Redirecting Shield, Brute Fighter, Powerful Maneuvers and the Weapon Focus feat for your chosen weapon.


Starting Gold: 175 gold pieces

Gear Packages:

and a traveler's outfit, a backpack, a belt pouch, and a whetstone.

Use 6 gold pieces if you wish to purchase a trail package.

Use 15 gold pieces if you wish to purchase a dungeoneering package.