Purposeful Training
Main > Feats |
(Combat, Tame)
At +4 base attack bonus you may grant the creature a bonus trick. The purpose and tricks granted by this ability do not count against the maximum number of tricks a creature may know.
If you possess the Broad Skills feat, you may even apply this ability to mindless vermin.
Retrain Animal
The GM is the final arbiter of what feats and skills are suitable.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_value` AS `Open Game Content` FROM `cargo__OGLEntries` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content` ON ((`cargo__OGLEntries`.`_ID`=`cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_rowID`)) WHERE Tag = "SoM" GROUP BY `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_value` ORDER BY `_rowID` LIMIT 100
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