Scout Style

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Main > Feats > Scout Style

Scout Style Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Active Camouflage Combat Scout Gain bonus to Stealth when ending your turn in cover different from where your started.
Deadly Strike Combat Scout Deal extra damage when attacking from Stealth.
Discern Condition Combat Scout Use Scout to learn the approximate health and hit points remaining of a creature.
Discern Illusions Combat Scout Gain bonus Will saves against illusions equal to 1/2 your ranks in Perception (minimum 1).
Discern Tells Combat Scout Gain a bonus to Sense Motive and MMD equal to half your ranks in Perception against scouted creatures.
Find Gap Combat Scout Scouted creatures have decreased AC for a number of rounds.
Great Senses Combat Scout Gain a number of ranks in Perception equal to your level.
Hidden Focus Combat Scout Regain martial focus when successfully hiding.
Identify Rhythms Combat Scout Gain AC bonus against scouted creatures.
Piercing Eye Combat Scout Reduce an opponent's AC bonus from concealment.
Reflexive Stealth Combat Scout Hide when avoiding an area attack, even if in the open.
Scout Combat Gain the ability to identify a creature’s weaknesses using Perception.
Sense And Resist Scrying Combat Scout Detect scrying attack against or near you.
Sight Beyond Sight Combat Scout Temporarily gain blindsense or blindsight.
Somnambulance Combat Scout Ignore the penalties of being asleep.
Sudden Acuity Combat Scout Gain bonus to Perception checks equal to 1/2 your ranks in Stealth when scouting or doing active Perception.
Target Weakness Combat Scout Change your weapon damage type against scouted creatures with vulnerabilities or resistances.
Uncanny Dodge Combat Scout Gain the uncanny dodge or improved uncanny dodge ability.
Unimpeded Positioning Combat Scout Ignore non-magical difficult terrain, and move 10 ft. when reloading a weapon.
Wind Reader Combat Scout Half the penalties to ranged attacks inflicted by wind, rain, or other weather.

Advanced Scout Style Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Detect Surface Thoughts Combat Skill Perception 5 ranks, Scout Read the surface thoughts of a scouted creature.
Inimical Gaze Combat Perception 5 ranks, Scout Use your scout ability as a gaze affecting all within 60 ft.

Scout Style Drawback Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Hidden Eyes Scout Lose the ability to Scout, but gain Active Camouflage.