Alchemist Style

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Main > Feats > Alchemist Style

Alchemist Style Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Alchemist Combat Learn to brew alchemical formulae.
Aligned Liquid Combat Alchemist Create thrown flask which deals damage to specific creature based on alignment.
Focusing Formula Combat Alchemist Create concoction which restores martial focus as a move action.
Grease Combat Alchemist Create magical grease which aids escape and hinders movement.
Improved Acid Flask Combat Alchemist Create an acid flask with improved damage.
Improved Alchemist Fire Combat Alchemist Create an alchemist fire with improved damage.
Improved Bottled Lightning Combat Alchemist Create bottled lightning with improved damage.
Improved Flash Powder Combat Alchemist Create flash powder which blinds all within a 10-ft. radius.
Improved Fuse Grenade Combat Alchemist Create a fuse which deals 4d6+ damage within a 20-ft. radius after 1d3 rounds delay.
Improved Itching Powder Combat Alchemist Create an itching powder which causes a -2 penalty to most rolls.
Improved Sneezing Powder Combat Alchemist Create an sneezing powder which causes opponents to lose their standard action.
Improved Tanglefoot Bag Combat Alchemist Create an tanglefoot bag which immobilizes an opponent.
Improved Thunderstone Combat Alchemist Create an tanglefoot bag which immobilizes an opponent.
Panacea Combat Alchemist Create a potion to remove a single negative condition.