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Main > Skills > Acrobatics

Acrobatics measures your ability to perform tasks requiring coordination and grace.



You move across a narrow or uneven surface, attempting an Acrobatics check against its Balance DC. You only need to roll Balance for movement once per round.

If you take damage while using Acrobatics, you must immediately make another Acrobatics check at the same DC to avoid falling or being knocked prone.

Surface Width DC
Floor 01
7-11 inches wide 5
2-6 inches wide 10
Less than 2 inches wide 15
Difficult terrain, icy, sloped (>45°), boat in storm +5
Slack line, inconsistent surface +5
Movement across narrow surface will end on non-narrow ground -5

1 No Acrobatics check is needed to move across these surfaces unless the DC is 10 or higher.

Success 5+: Move at full speed.
Success: Move at half speed and you are flat-footed.
Failure: Unable to move and you are flat-footed.
Failure 5-: You are fall prone and fall off the surface if it is less than 1 feet wide. If you fall you can attempt to use Athletics to Catch Yourself.
Note: You can move full speed in difficult terrain by succeeding a DC 10 Acrobatics check.