Martial focus

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Main > Combat > Combat Terminology > Martial focus

Martial focus is used in three ways:

  • You can expend your focus as part of any single Fortitude or Reflex saving throw you make thereafter. When you expend your focus in this manner, your saving throw is treated as if you rolled a 13, similarly to taking 10 on a skill check, except that the number you add to your saving throw is 13.
  • You can expend your martial focus to gain the benefit of some feats and class features, as described in their entry.
  • Some feats and abilities require you to currently have martial focus in order to provide their effect.

Unless otherwise noted, expending martial focus happens as part of the specified action and does not require an action itself. A character will continue to receive any benefits accorded them for having martial focus until the action they choose to expend it on is complete.

Regaining Martial Focus: Characters regain their martial focus after a minute of rest, or by taking the total defense action. You may not by any means regain focus more than once per round.

Once you have regained martial focus, you remain focused until you expend your focus, become unconscious, or go to sleep (or enter a meditative trance).