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Main > Skills > Perception

Your senses allow you to notice fine details and alert you to danger. Perception covers all five senses, including sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

Advanced Uses

Requires special training.

Follow Tracks[edit]

Full-round ActionWis

If you do not have the Trained Tracker feat, but you can only follow tracks only if the DC for the task is 10 or lower.

To find tracks or to follow them for 1 mile requires a successful Survival check. You must make another Survival check if the DC to follow the tracks increases.

Surface / Terrain Description DC
Very soft ground Any surface (fresh snow, thick dust, wet mud) that holds deep, clear impressions of footprints. 5
Soft ground Any surface soft enough to yield to pressure, but firmer than wet mud or fresh snow, in which a creature leaves frequent but shallow footprints. 10
Firm ground Most normal outdoor surfaces (such as lawns, fields, woods, and the like) or exceptionally soft or dirty indoor surfaces (thick rugs and very dirty or dusty floors). The creature might leave some traces (broken branches or tufts of hair), but it leaves only occasional or partial footprints. 15
Hard ground Any surface that doesn’t hold footprints at all, such as bare rock or an indoor floor. Most streambeds fall into this category, since any footprints left behind are obscured or washed away. The creature leaves only traces (scuff marks or displaced pebbles). 20
Tracked Creature(s) DC Modifier
Every three creatures in the group being tracked -1
Least dextrous creature tracked creature's Dexterity modifier
Size of largest creature tracked creature's size modifier
Tracked party hides trail (an moves at half speed) +5
Environmental Factors DC Modifier
Overcast or moonless night +6
Moonlight +3
Fog or precipitation +3
Every 24 hours since the trail was made +1
Every hour of rain since the trail was made +1
Fresh snow since the trail was made +10
Success 20+: Move at twice your normal speed.
Success 5+: Move at full speed.
Success: Move at half speed.
Failure: You are unable to follow the tracks or discern useful information about them. By hunting around for an hour you might be able to pick up the trail again, allowing you to retry the check.
Failure 10-: You entirely lose track of your quarry. You cannot retry the check unless you find a part of the track farther along the trail.

Example DCs:

DC 5: Track recent tracks from typical creature through fresh snow or wet mud.
DC 13: Track recent tracks from huge creature over firm ground.
DC 13: Track recent tracks from 5-person party over firm ground.
DC 15: Track recent tracks from typical creature over firm ground.
DC 19: Track recent tracks from fox over firm ground (+2 size modifier, +2 Dex).
DC 21: Track 5-person party over firm ground, after 3 hours of rain, and it is still raining.
DC 22: Track typical creature over firm ground after two days, including 6 hours of rain.