Guild Wizard

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Main > Archetypes > Guild Wizard

Class Skills: The guild wizard's class skills are Arcana (Int), Commerce (Int), Crafting (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Lore (Int), Nature (Int) and Religion (Int)..

Skill Ranks Per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Proficiencies: A guild mage is proficient with simple weapons, but not armor or shields.

🛈 Admin Notes

Build: Incanter with Sphere Specialization.

1st Level[edit]

Base Attack
+0 +0 +0 +2 +1 2

Magical Training

You use Intelligence as your casting ability modifier.

You gain a small reservoir of energy called a spell pool. Your spell pool is equal to your Base Spell Pool + your casting ability modifier (minimum: 1). This pool replenishes once per day after roughly 8 hours of rest.

If this is your first level in a class that grants magical training get the following benefit:

Gain two arcane feats.

Finally you get the weapon proficiencies listed in the header.

Battlemage: Focuses on the Destruction school with some support abilities for combat.

Pick the Abjurer and Battlemage feats.

Circle Magic Tradition

In order to perform any magical effect, either you or your target must be entirely contained within the boundaries of a special diagram. Creating this diagram requires a full-round action for every 5 ft. square contained within the diagram and requires that you to have at least 1 hand unoccupied.

You can increase the speed at which you draw the diagram but at greater risk of making a mistake. To draw the circle as a standard action you must make an Arcane skill check (DC 20). On failure the action is wasted. For every additional step by which you reduce the time required to draw the diagram, increase the spellcraft DC by +5 to a maximum of +15 to draw the circle as a free action.

When performing magic using the diagram it flares brightly with the magical energies, throwing dim light out to 5 feet per caster level of the effect, and bright light for half that distance.

When creating the diagram you cannot wear armor heavier than light without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure. Before making your spellcraft skill check to finish the diagram, roll for your arcane spell failure (if any). On arcane spell failure the creation of the circle fails. You need make no arcane spell failure checks when casting spells if the diagram was successfully completed.

Wizard College

Guild Wizards are part of a specific college from among the following, and gain the associated Wizard College:

Battlemage: Pick the Battlemages college, gaining the Intense Magic and Movement Burst abilties.


Gain the Counterspell feat on level 1, ignoring its prerequisites.

In addition you gain two arcane feats.

Gain the Counterspell feat

Pick the Explosive Orb and Explosive Blast feats.

If this is your first character level you gain a bonus feat of any type. Use it to pick the Cantrips feat.


Starting Gold: 105 gold pieces

Gear Packages:

and a scholar's outfit, a backpack, a belt pouch, and 10 pieces of chalk.

Use 5 gold pieces to replace the scholar's outfit with an explorer's outfit.

Use 6 gold pieces if you wish to purchase a trail package.

Use 15 gold pieces if you wish to purchase a dungeoneering package.

Use 4 gold pieces if you wish to purchase a scrivener's kit.

Use 13 gold pieces and 5 silver pieces to purchase a Template:Link ritual, Template:Link ritual or Template:Link ritual ritual scroll.

Use 30 gold pieces to purchase a Template:Link ritual, Template:Link ritual or Template:Link ritual ritual scroll.

Guild Wizard/2nd

Guild Wizard/3rd

Guild Wizard/4th

Guild Wizard/5th

Guild Wizard/6th

Open Gaming License Version 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.


System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

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Open Gaming Content On This Page From:

System Reference Document

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook

Spheres of Power