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Ordered by Tag
- 1011LS (Book: 101 1st Level Spells)
- AA1 (Book: Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer's Armory)
- AA2 (Book: Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer's Armory 2)
- ACG (Book: Pathfinder Advanced Class Guide)
- AoP (Book: Spheres: Archetypes of Power)
- APG (Book: Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide)
- ArA (Book: Pathfinder Player Companion: Arcane Anthology)
- ARG (Book: Pathfinder Advanced Race Guide)
- BF (Book: Bloodforge)
- CotS (Book: Spheres: Champions of the Spheres)
- CtAPD (Book: Call to Arms: Powders and Dusts)
- CwC (Book: Cooking with Class)
- EiR (Book: The Elephant in the Room)
- EO1 (Book: Spheres: Expanded Options)
- EO2 (Book: Spheres: Expanded Options 2)
- FaP (Book: Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths & Philosophies)
- HaB (Book: Hearth and Blade)
- HFSF (Book: Houserule Footnotes - Spellpoint Feats)
- HHC (Book: Pathfinder Heroes of the High Courts)
- IoP (Book: Spheres: Item's of Power)
- ISG (Book: Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods)
- ISWG (Book: Pathfinder Inner Sea World Guide)
- KKBMM (Book: Krazy Kragnar’s Black Market Magic Items)
- KKSAS (Book: Krazy Kragnar’s Surplus Alchemy Shop)
- L4L (Book: Loot 4 Less 1 - Armor and Weapons)
- L4L1 (Book: Loot 4 Less - Things That Make You Go Boom)
- L4L2 (Book: Loot 4 Less Volume 2: Pretty, Pretty, Rings)
- L4L4 (Book: Loot 4 Less 4 - Fantastic Footwear)
- L4L5 (Book: Loot 4 Less vol. 5: All You Need Is Gloves)
- L4L6 (Book: Loot 4 Less 6 - Cloaks and Daggers)
- L4L7 (Book: Loot 4 Less 7 - Krazy Kragnar’s Used Chariots)
- L4L8 (Book: Loot 4 Less 8 - Belt One On)
- MCoM (Book: Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Magnimar, City of Monuments)
- P6 (Book: Abridged P6 Codex)
- PAG (Book: Pathfinder Adventurers Guide)
- PB1 (Book: Pathfinder Bestiary 1)
- PB2 (Book: Pathfinder Bestiary 2)
- PB3 (Book: Pathfinder Bestiary 3)
- PB4 (Book: Pathfinder Bestiary 4)
- PC (Book: Psychological Combat)
- PF2 (Book: Pathfinder 2: Core Rulebook)
- PF2B1 (Book: Pathfinder Bestiary (Second Edition))
- PSP (Book: Pathfinder Society Primer)
- PU (Book: Pathfinder Unchained)
- RG (Book: Rogue's Glory)
- SAAP (Book: Spheres Apocrypha: Alchemical Poisons)
- SAH (Book: Spheres: Auspicians Handbook)
- SAR (Book: Spheres Apocrypha: Ranged Talents)
- SCT1 (Book: Spheres: Casting Traditions)
- SCT2 (Book: Spheres: Casting Traditions 2)
- SDH (Book: Spheres: Destroyers Handbook)
- SGH (Book: Spheres: Generals Handbook)
- SIH (Book: Spheres: Illuminators Handbook)
- SoM (Book: Spheres of Might)
- SoP (Book: Spheres of Power)
- STH (Book: Spheres: Tricksters Handbook)
- SVH (Book: Spheres: Vivomancers Handbook)
- SWH (Book: Spheres: Worldwalkers Handbook)
- ToH (Book: The Tome of Horrors Complete)
- ToH-Deer (Book: The Tome of Horrors Complete - Deer)
- ToH-LM (Book: The Tome of Horrors Complete - Lion, Mountain)
- ToH-Moose (Book: The Tome of Horrors Complete - Moose)
- TotS (Book: Treasures of the Spheres)
- UC (Book: Pathfinder Ultimate Combat)
- UE (Book: Pathfinder Ultimate Equipment)
- UI (Book: Pathfinder Ultimate Intrigue)
- UM (Book: Pathfinder Ultimate Magic)
- UW (Book: Pathfinder Ultimate Wilderness)
- WMH (Book: Spheres: Wild Magic Handbook)
- WoP (Book: Spheres: Worlds of Power)
- Wra (Book: Spheres: Wraith)
Ordered by Book
- 101 1st Level Spells (Tag: 1011LS)
- Abridged P6 Codex (Tag: P6)
- Bloodforge (Tag: BF)
- Call to Arms: Powders and Dusts (Tag: CtAPD)
- Cooking with Class (Tag: CwC)
- Hearth and Blade (Tag: HaB)
- Houserule Footnotes - Spellpoint Feats (Tag: HFSF)
- Krazy Kragnar’s Black Market Magic Items (Tag: KKBMM)
- Krazy Kragnar’s Surplus Alchemy Shop (Tag: KKSAS)
- Loot 4 Less - Things That Make You Go Boom (Tag: L4L1)
- Loot 4 Less 1 - Armor and Weapons (Tag: L4L)
- Loot 4 Less 4 - Fantastic Footwear (Tag: L4L4)
- Loot 4 Less 6 - Cloaks and Daggers (Tag: L4L6)
- Loot 4 Less 7 - Krazy Kragnar’s Used Chariots (Tag: L4L7)
- Loot 4 Less 8 - Belt One On (Tag: L4L8)
- Loot 4 Less vol. 5: All You Need Is Gloves (Tag: L4L5)
- Loot 4 Less Volume 2: Pretty, Pretty, Rings (Tag: L4L2)
- Pathfinder 2: Core Rulebook (Tag: PF2)
- Pathfinder Advanced Class Guide (Tag: ACG)
- Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide (Tag: APG)
- Pathfinder Advanced Race Guide (Tag: ARG)
- Pathfinder Adventurers Guide (Tag: PAG)
- Pathfinder Bestiary (Second Edition) (Tag: PF2B1)
- Pathfinder Bestiary 1 (Tag: PB1)
- Pathfinder Bestiary 2 (Tag: PB2)
- Pathfinder Bestiary 3 (Tag: PB3)
- Pathfinder Bestiary 4 (Tag: PB4)
- Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods (Tag: ISG)
- Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Magnimar, City of Monuments (Tag: MCoM)
- Pathfinder Heroes of the High Courts (Tag: HHC)
- Pathfinder Inner Sea World Guide (Tag: ISWG)
- Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer's Armory (Tag: AA1)
- Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer's Armory 2 (Tag: AA2)
- Pathfinder Player Companion: Arcane Anthology (Tag: ArA)
- Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths & Philosophies (Tag: FaP)
- Pathfinder Society Primer (Tag: PSP)
- Pathfinder Ultimate Combat (Tag: UC)
- Pathfinder Ultimate Equipment (Tag: UE)
- Pathfinder Ultimate Intrigue (Tag: UI)
- Pathfinder Ultimate Magic (Tag: UM)
- Pathfinder Ultimate Wilderness (Tag: UW)
- Pathfinder Unchained (Tag: PU)
- Psychological Combat (Tag: PC)
- Rogue's Glory (Tag: RG)
- Spheres Apocrypha: Alchemical Poisons (Tag: SAAP)
- Spheres Apocrypha: Ranged Talents (Tag: SAR)
- Spheres of Might (Tag: SoM)
- Spheres of Power (Tag: SoP)
- Spheres: Archetypes of Power (Tag: AoP)
- Spheres: Auspicians Handbook (Tag: SAH)
- Spheres: Casting Traditions (Tag: SCT1)
- Spheres: Casting Traditions 2 (Tag: SCT2)
- Spheres: Champions of the Spheres (Tag: CotS)
- Spheres: Destroyers Handbook (Tag: SDH)
- Spheres: Expanded Options (Tag: EO1)
- Spheres: Expanded Options 2 (Tag: EO2)
- Spheres: Generals Handbook (Tag: SGH)
- Spheres: Illuminators Handbook (Tag: SIH)
- Spheres: Item's of Power (Tag: IoP)
- Spheres: Tricksters Handbook (Tag: STH)
- Spheres: Vivomancers Handbook (Tag: SVH)
- Spheres: Wild Magic Handbook (Tag: WMH)
- Spheres: Worlds of Power (Tag: WoP)
- Spheres: Worldwalkers Handbook (Tag: SWH)
- Spheres: Wraith (Tag: Wra)
- The Elephant in the Room (Tag: EiR)
- The Tome of Horrors Complete (Tag: ToH)
- The Tome of Horrors Complete - Deer (Tag: ToH-Deer)
- The Tome of Horrors Complete - Lion, Mountain (Tag: ToH-LM)
- The Tome of Horrors Complete - Moose (Tag: ToH-Moose)
- Treasures of the Spheres (Tag: TotS)