Athletics Style

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Main > Feats > Athletics Style

Athletics Style Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Adept Climber Athletics Combat Athletics Climb faster and safer.
Adept Flier Athletics Combat Athletics Reduce effects of wind and low speed while flying.
Adept Jumper Athletics Combat Athletics Reduce the effective height of falls.
Adept Runner Athletics Combat Athletics Run faster and jump farther.
Adept Swimmer Athletics Combat Athletics Swim faster and hold breath while exerting yourself.
Athletics Athletics Combat Style Become a master of movement.

Climb Feats Feats

Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Adept Climber Athletics Combat Athletics Climb faster and safer.

Fly Feats Feats

Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Adept Flier Athletics Combat Athletics Reduce effects of wind and low speed while flying.

Leap Feats Feats

Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Adept Jumper Athletics Combat Athletics Reduce the effective height of falls.

Run Feats Feats

Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Adept Runner Athletics Combat Athletics Run faster and jump farther.

Swim Feats Feats

Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Adept Swimmer Athletics Combat Athletics Swim faster and hold breath while exerting yourself.