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Main > Feats > Leadership > Followers

You gain a group of followers.

These followers will not accompany you into dangerous locations, but can lend assistance in various ways.

Original Followers

When you gain this package, choose a settlement with which you are well acquainted. Your initial followers are drawn from there. When first gaining this package, it is assumed that you have spent time in the past making contacts, deals, and promises and that you are well known enough in the community to attract a group of followers.

Default Uses

Followers can supply unskilled labor for simple tasks, such as clearing a road obstructed by falling rocks. Count the followers as supplying a number of Medium-sized unskilled laborers equal to half the number of followers in the settlement (or caravan). While doing so, the followers cannot provide their other benefits. If attacked, followers will attempt to flee to a safe place to the best of their ability.

Number Followers

You normally have about 5 followers per rank in Diplomacy. If statistics are needed for a particular follower, treat them as level 1 commoners. If you possess the Alchemists, Entertainers, Healers, Merchants, Rangers, Scholars, or Smithy feats, then there is a 10% chance per feat that a randomly selected follower will be a level 1 expert.

Losing Followers

Should the number of followers available be reduced for any reason, the effectiveness off (followers) feats are reduced, treating your ranks in Diplomacy as equal to the number of available followers/4. You normally regain 1 follower per rank in Diplomacy each day you spend in a settlement where your followers are dispersed, but you can double this number with 8 hours of active effort each day. If you have lost all of your followers or do not disperse your followers in the settlement, the recruitment rate is halved (minimum 1 follower per day).

Downtime Rules

If using the downtime rules found in Ultimate Campaign, having your followers present in a settlement increases the effect of Influence or Labor you spend by 50%, to a maximum of 1 additional Influence or Labor for every 2 followers in the settlement where the downtime activity takes place. Any feats that enable followers to make checks to generate capital receive any benefits from rooms and teams you have access to. If a feat allows followers to generate capital, the entire group of followers makes this check collectively. Any results that are not sufficient to generate capital on a given day may be carried over to the next day; this carrying-over may be continued until the result is sufficient to generate capital or your followers leave the settlement.

If using the kingdom building rules found in Ultimate Campaign, possessing this package grants a +1 bonus to all kingdom attributes you affect.

When you first gain the follower package, you gain the following ability:


Your followers can follow you as you travel, providing cartage. This caravan has an overland movement speed of 3 miles per hour and can travel 32 miles a day. The caravan has wagons and draft animals necessary to carry 100 pounds of objects per rank in Diplomacy in addition to sufficient provisions to sustain themselves in normal conditions.

The caravan can make camp, setting up tents, cooking, and performing other camp tasks. Doing so increases the progress a PC can make when crafting while adventuring by 2 hours per day (normally going from 2 hours to 4 hours a day).

When you enter a settlement, you can disperse your caravan there, allowing you to gain the benefits of your followers while in that settlement. Gathering a caravan after it has been dispersed requires 1 hour.

Note: Your caravan doesn’t have to rest at the same time as you do. If the caravan rests while you adventure, they can travel while you rest, carrying a number of Medium creatures equal to your practitioner modifier plus your ranks in Diplomacy. Two Small creatures counts as one Medium creature, two Medium creatures count as one Large creature, etc.

Caravan Rules


A caravan is assumed to be capable of making Nature checks with a DC of 10 + your ranks in Diplomacy to feed itself and 1 additional Medium creature per 5 followers (Medium creatures count as two Small creatures, Large creatures count as two Medium ones) while moving without affecting speed. In harsher environments, the caravan has supplies for 1 week plus 1 day per rank in Diplomacy that you possess. If their Nature check is not more than 5 below the environment DC, they count as only spending half a day’s supplies.


A caravan that is attacked in your absence will disperse. A dispersed caravan will reform, regaining 25% of its members every hour after threats are removed. If statistics are required for the caravan, treat it as a 1 Hit Die troop per the Squad feat, but it takes no action except to attempt to flee to safety. The number of troops increases by +1 for every 5 ranks in Diplomacy you possess, with your total number of followers divided equally between them. If such a troop is destroyed, treat half the followers in it as lost.

Dividing Followers

You may divide your followers into multiple groups (minimum size of 5), treating your ranks in Diplomacy as equal to the number of available followers/4 (round down as usual).

You may have multiple caravans, but any caravan not accompanied by a PC or cohort is at risk from the various hazards of travel and may not reach its destination, based on the conditions in the region it travels. The GM should roll random encounters, treating combat encounters as dispersing the caravan. Combat encounters with a CR of less than half your ranks in Diplomacy disperse the caravan but cause no permanent losses. Encounters with a CR of at least half your ranks in Diplomacy but not greater than your ranks disperses the caravan and causes 25% losses. A combat encounter with a CR of greater than your ranks in Diplomacy disperses the caravan and causes 50% losses. A caravan reduced below 4 followers is lost entirely.

Followers Feats

No results

Open Gaming License Version 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.


System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

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System Reference Document

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook

Spheres: Generals Handbook