Basic Necromancy

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Main > Feats > Magic Schools > Death School > Necromancer


You may command the powers of unlife.

Benefit: You gain the following two abilities Ghost Strike and Reanimate.


As a standard action, you may make a ghost strike, summoning negative energy and throwing it at a target within Medium range as a ranged touch attack. A ghost strike is considered a negative energy death effect, and as such has no effect on undead, constructs, elementals, and other creatures immune to such things (although some talents provide exceptions). Ghost strike effects do not stack with themselves. Some Death feats provide you with additional types of ghost strikes.

You gain the following ghost strike when you gain Necromancer:

Exhausting strike: The subject of your ghost strike becomes fatigued for 1 round per caster level (Fortitude negates). You may spend a spell point to increases this effect to making the target exhausted for 1 minute per caster level (Fortitude negates). On a successful save, the target is still fatigued for 1 round. Unlike regular fatigue and exhaustion, these conditions end as soon as the duration expires.


As a standard action, you may touch an intact dead body and spend a spell point to reanimate it as a zombie or skeleton (depending on the composition of the body in question) for 1 minute per caster level.

This creature gains the zombie or skeleton template and obeys your commands, although only simple commands such as “go”, “stay”, “attack”, or “guard” are understandable. A reanimated body cannot speak and has no knowledge or ability to think and so cannot answer questions or reveal anything it knew in life.

When the duration expires, the body collapses until reanimated again. It does not regain hit pints between reanimations. If reduced to 0 hp, the body collapses and is destroyed; it cannot be reanimated again.

You may have a total number of reanimated creatures active at any one time whose combined Hit Dice does not exceed twice your caster level. If you attempt to reanimate a creature that would push your total beyond this limit, your reanimated creatures cease to be reanimated sequentially from oldest to newest until the Hit Dice total is low enough to permit the new reanimated creature. You cannot reanimate a creature with more Hit Dice than twice your caster level, and creatures with more than 20 racial Hit Dice can never become skeletons or zombies.

If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.

Prerequisite for: Empowered Reanimate, Necromantic Limit

Open Gaming License Version 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.


System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

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