
From Night's End
Front Page > Classes > Cleric

Class cleric.jpg

The Clerics of The City are generally those that worship the deities that have taken residence in The Godhood.

A few worship stow-away deities that have taken up residence in the city in receptacles even less grand than The Godhood. These are generally deities of a chaotic or evil disposition.

Others remain faithful to the deities of the outer planes, and merely suffer through the periods in which they are cut off from their patron during the gloaming.

Cloistered clerics are the most common doctrine, with the vast majority tending their flocks in The City. Some have temples or shrines, but in this day and age most pursue their deity's goals out in society. Leaving The City for purpose of missionary work is rarely done, as any followers gained in a world are going to be temporary (though a few deities do pursue active missionary work).

Warpriests are rarer. Though some serve as part of an organized church militia, more are simply followers of deities whose goals sees the need for holy warriors.