Known Worlds

From Night's End
Front Page > Known Worlds

Lost Worlds

The City has travelled through a number of the worlds in its flight from The Nightmare.

The Old Lands

The world from which The City originally fled. Only The City itself and its citizens remain from that world.


The Green Fields

Year 1 - 5

A quiet world where monsters and other badness was relegated to the edges of the wilderness, and most of civilization consisted of quiet, peaceful farming communities.

The Willowfield fragment and settlement of Little Hollow originates from The Green Fields.


The Arch

Year 6 - 9

A world dominated by extraction of raw magical crystals called arch, which was used to power all kinds of magics.

The Dun Highlands and Archenveil fragments, as well as the city of Archenveil originates from Arch. The deposits of arch are largely depleted at this point, and Archenveil is making due with artificial alternatives.


The Green Depths

Year 10 - 12

A primal world of forests full of predators, fey and more ancient dangers.

The Green Remnant fragment originates from the Green Depths.


The Black Veil

Year 13 - 15

A hostile world with a surface covered in deadly, arcane fogs, and most of life taking refuge underground.

The Magma Rift settlement, and various underground fragments, originates from the Black Veil.


The Gray Lands

Year 16 - 17

A world plagued with demons, undead and other nasties after an ancient cataclysm. These lands included both deserts, polar wastes and isolated areas of the underdark.

The Nethercall fragment originates from the Gray Lands.


The Chittering

Year 18 - 19

An undeveloped world where the "civilized" races had not invented metalcrafting, but had invented limited agriculture and the domestication of the world's giant bugs.

The Meadow and the Iron Crags fragments both originates from the Chittering, but has been largely colonized by halflings from Willowfield and dwarves from Magma Rift respectively.


The Lands of Gold

Year 20 - 21

A world world split between deep deserts, equally deep jungles and wide oceans. Civilizations were generally isolated, but tended to gather in large magocratic city states.

The Golden Spires fragment and city originates from the Lands of Gold.


The Land of Giants

Year 22 - 23

A wild world with no civilizations, but only various tribes hiding from the giant monsters that dominated the world. The City was nearly destroyed by these creatures.

A few fragments were brought from the Land of Giants, but was since ejected when their resources were exhausted.


The Grey Peaks

Year 24

A world dominated by mountainous continents and storm-ridden oceans. The world was under attack by creatures from beyond the stars, that were slowly changing the world more to their liking.

The Silver Fjord fragment and Eventide settlement originates from the Grey Peaks.


The Dirge

Year 25

A relatively standard world, except it was slowly being overrun by the hordes of the lich king.

Only minor fragments were brought from The Dirge.
