Madaros' Tomb

From Night's End
Front Page > Sessions > Madaros' Tomb
Swords 35, Year 25

The party opened the tomb's main door, and ventured inside. The top floor of the tomb was without life (or undeath) but signs of fighting from the group that had preceeded the party.

The group discovered a temple to a Dwarven sea deity Daros, as well as the collapsed staircase that had halted the previous party.

Gral cleared the staircase with his explosives and the group ventured downwards. Along the staircase were statues with inscriptions that indicated the name of the owner of the tomb: Madaros.

At the bottom of the stairs, the group came upon three doors, two smaller on each side, and a large set of double doors. Opting for one of the smaller doors, the group ended up flanked between the two side-doors, fighting a skeletal champion and a number of lesser skeletons. The fight was hard-fought, but in the end the group emerged victorious.