The Old Lands Dwarves

From Night's End
Front Page > Ancestries > The Old Lands Dwarves

Ancestry dwarf old lands.png

You or your ancestors came from The Old Lands. They were of the cosmopolitan cultures, either already living in the metropolis that became The City, or moving there during The Last Years.

They are common citizenry, soldiers and the back-bone of some of the great trading houses.

Common Heritages: Ancient-Blooded, Strong-Blooded

  • Death Warden: You belong to the clan of dwarves that have guarded the catacombs of The City since before The Last Years.
    • DuskwalkerV: Some death wardens are reincarnated as duskwalkers.

Common Ancestry Feats: Dongun Education, Dwarven Doughtiness, Eye for Treasure, Surface Culture