
From Night's End
The City > Thievescourt

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A hotbed of criminal activity.

After the rise of the Peacewardens, many of the more unsavory characters and businesses of The City have been forced from their old territories. Though crime still exists in the rest of The City, a lot of it has been concentrated here, where the inhabitants work together to resist the Peacewardens.

The major factions of the district keeps the main thoroughfares relatively safe for visitors, preferring to separate visitors from their money through the fighting pits, drug dens and other distractions. But stray into the wrong alley, and muggers and murderers have free reign.

Locations of Note

Thief's Plaza

Close to Iron Court, Thief's Plaza is the largest open square in Thievescourt, the easiest to get to, and probably also the one with the least thieves on it. It is surrounded by a number of establishments frowned upon in the rest of The City, and the center of it hosts a black market that is likewise maligned. Indeed, the street towards Iron Court is actually guarded and fortified, in case the occupants need to host a defense against some do-gooding group from elsewhere in The City.

  • The Pit Fiend's Arsehole: A tavern serving all kinds of liquors, some magical, some unhealthy, and some lethal to the average citizen. It hosts a number of dark corners and private rooms where people can host discreet negotiations. It is also the preferred hangout for most of the non-disguised devils in The City, which may have something to do with the fact that it is owned by one.
  • Dreamland: This establishment sells a variety of narcotics, and provides both public and private rooms for their consumption. Though the classics are sold here, there are also a number of quite exotic drugs on offer. Rumors have it that the owner, Minster (m, elf), was a member of Planar Conservatory and stole a number of plants that are used for his more potent concoctions. He is also believed to be the master of a number of hidden drug dens in the rest of The City.
  • Ethra's: Ethradex (f, lamia) is a moneylender, fence and buyer of questionably moral artifacts (which it is believed she resells to other bosses in Thievescourt). She is known to be fair, but vicious against those that try to cheat her. Though that reputation for fairness does not stop her loan sharks from seeking out the most desperate citizens to offer loans.

Stone Streets

A warren of stone hovels and flop-houses centered around an unnamed open square.

  • The Pit: A fighting ring hosted by Jalo Neverath (dwarf, f, gray lands), featuring betting on a fights between trained fighters, amateurs, beasts, smaller monsters, and any combination of these. Though fights aren't necessarily to the death, meeting ones final end is not uncommon in the ring.


Basic Info

Type: Residential District
Level: 10
Population: 870 (58% human, 6% planar-touched, 5% halfling, 3% elf, 2% undead, 29% other )