Page values for "Entering the Gremlin Tunnels"

From Night's End

"Sessions" values

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NameStringEntering the Gremlin Tunnels

Dawn 6-7, Year 26


Meeting Bremor[edit source]

Bremor first visits Rollo and Jorgen, having heard about their intention to start a show concerning The Char. Jorgen is quite happy to see one of the Dark Dragon orcs still alive.

Bremor in turn expresses a desire to fight alongside Rollo.

A few days Rollo introduces Bremor to the rest of The Embers, and Bremor joins the party.

Mission from Tzork[edit source]

At the same meeting, Gral tries to recruit the party into helping get his mom's catering business going, and when that fails mentions that Tzork had offered a mission. Wezhul in turn tells that he has heard that there are members of The Surrendered in the sewers.

The party agrees to take Tzork's mission, and Gral brings Tzork by to give them the details. They are to rescue and exploratory expedition of goblins that has ventured into the underground of the new world.

On the same day, the party travels down to Magma Rift, and enters the secret tunnel that Tzork and his people have dug. Traveling to The Edge, the party rests.

Exploration[edit source]

The following day the party ventures into the caves of the new world. After traveling for a couple hours, following the marking to Tzork's expedition, they arrive in a mushroom cave. There are tracks of blood and ruined travel supplies. Rollo befriends a cave squirrel, that tells of evil predators chasing new prey. Rollo convinces the squirrel to travel with them.

The group followed traces of blood from the mushroom cave, deeper into the caves, and they disappear into a narrow passage through which most of the group could not easily go. Gral volunteered to scout ahead and found a smoldering fire place, goblin bones, and two unknown goblin-sized humanoids slumbering. He also heard sounds of more creatures, perhaps these new humanoids, from deeper in the caves.

He returned to the rest of the group and told them the grim news.


2x Lesser Elixir of Life (Given to Bremor and Aegir)