Page values for "The Arcane"

From Night's End

"Wards" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
NameStringThe Arcane
TypeStringCraftman's District
ShortStringThe center of magical industry in The City

The Arcane is the ward for magical and alchemical artifice in The City. A multitude of working man wizards, alchemists and artificers work in the ward's many workshops, while a few more powerful sell their spellcasting services to those that can afford it. The buildings are generally well-constructed stone or half-timber, but some areas do suffer from weird alchemical smells or magical discharge.

PopulationString1220 (60% human, 15% elves, 6% planar-touched, 5% dwarf, 1% constructed, 14% other)
OtherNamesList of String, delimiter: ,
ParentPageThe City