Page values for "Whitesquare"

From Night's End

"Wards" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
TypeStringUniversity District
ShortStringThe location of most of the educational institutions of The City.

This district is the center of learning, hosting libraries, research institutes and a dozen different colleges. Though outsiders usually call the collected colleges The University, they are a fractious lot, and rivalries and outright hostility marks the relationship between many of the colleges.

Fights, duels, vandalism and sabotage by the students are not uncommon, and though the different watch departments of the district try to keep a lid on things for the safety of The City, it is not entirely uncommon for a watch department to turn a blind eye when it is the students of their sponsoring college that is conducting mischief.

However, though this is a constant background struggle, the watches do keep things enough under control, that the average visitor to the district is unlikely to notice, instead being taken in by the scholarly atmosphere of the district.

Each college generally has its own attached library, which may or may not be accessible to outsiders.

PopulationString1830 (60% human, 13% elf, 10% dwarf, 5% elemental-touched, 3% gnomes, 9% other
OtherNamesList of String, delimiter: ,
ParentPageThe City