
From Night's End
The City > Briardown

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Slum inhabited mostly by immigrants from uncivilized worlds

Briardown is a rundown part of the Three Streets Ward, inhabited mostly by immigrants from The Green Depths, The Gray Lands, The Chittering and The Land of Giants. Common among them are their lack of indoctrination into modern, urban life and subsequent descent into squalor. Their continued existence mostly owes to charity from The Remnants and other charitable organizations, as well as money acquired through crime and prostitution, both of which the Remnants are trying to (with limited success) to clamp down on.

Locations of Note

Innocence Square

Originally the heart of the elven immigrant community from The Green Depths, this square has since become the center of commerce in Briardown, meaning brothels, taverns and rickity market stalls and few elves in sight. All that remains of the large oak tree transplanted from The Green Depths into the middle of the square, is a large stump used as seating or occasionally as an impromptu speaking platform.

  • Dead Oak Tavern: A relatively reputable establishment run by a bugman immigrant from The Chittering. Specializing in fungus beers and spirits, it is a place for locals to grab a drink, prostitutes to get a breather and the customers of the prostitutes to regain their strength. It is also known to occasionally be used as a neutral ground by various criminal elements.
  • Red Sash Brothel: Run by the indomitable Madam Moon (middle-aged, human f), the Red Sash brothel offers a safe place to ply their craft for the women of Briardown. Most of the women are human, and the services offered quite vanilla. But the prices are decent and the beds clean, so the place sees reasonable business.
  • House of Fey: Catering to those with exotic and refined tastes, the house of fey is a bordello offering the services of elves, fey and other exotic damsels. Fairly believable rumor also has it that the proprietor Mister Smiles, offer even more exotic experiences using summoning and other magics.

Park Street

Running from Sovereign Park through Innocence Square to the Three Streets Ward, there are a number of notable landmarks along its length.

  • Peacewarden Guardpost: Lying closer to the Three Streets end of the street, this is the main bastion of the Peacewardens in the district. Most of their patrols start and end at this fortified guardpost and barracks. The place is fortified from bitter experience, as not all the inhabitants of the district are equally happy to have the Peacewardens around, and there has been both attacks by gangs, but also riots by common citizens riled up by local leaders (who often as either run or have ties to the criminal enterprises of the district).
  • The Black Monolith: On the other side of Innocense Square, close to Sovereign park. This is large, black-painted building is the main headquarters of the Shadowguard, a local gang composed mostly of immigrants from The Gray Lands. Though a criminal enterprise, engaged in thievery, assassinations, and local protection rackets, the Shadowguard also protects the local community from violent crime and outside criminals. They are not regarded altogether negatively by the Gray Lands immigrants.

Starfall Court

A small court between a collection of flophouses, mostly inhabited by elven immigrants from The Green Depths. Not far from Sovereign Park and almost up against the outer wall.

  • The Green Court: A large, fortified, 4-story building leaning against the outer wall, this is the court of the Last Sentinels, a local gang composed mostly of elven, gnomish and fey immigrants from The Green Depths. Originally founded to protect the Green Depths community and avenge injustices committed against it, they have since turned to thievery, assassinations, and local protection rackets, though they still also see protection the community as a key reason for existence. The Green King holds court from this building, sending his minions out on missions, as well as judging disputes in the community and outside criminals brought before him.


Basic Info

Type: Residential District
Alternative Name(s): Little Greentown
Level: 6
Population: 960 (59% human, 10% elf, 5% gnome, 5% halfling, 3% fey, 18% other )

Guilds and Factions

  • Remembrance Of Highgarden: Their attempts to keep order and recruit more people to their cause are causing friction with the local communities and power structures.
  • Last Sentinels: Also known as The Lost among other Green Depths immigrants.
  • Shadowguard: Known for their assassins even outside Briardown.