View table: Persons

Table structure:

  1. Name - String
  2. Titles - Wikitext
  3. Leader - Wikitext
  4. Aliases - List of Wikitext, delimiter: ,
  5. Gender - String
  6. Race - Wikitext
  7. Deity - Wikitext
  8. Allegiance - Wikitext
  9. Born - Wikitext
  10. Description - Wikitext
  11. History - Wikitext
  12. Relationships - Wikitext

This table has 8 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Name Titles Leader Aliases Gender Race Deity Allegiance Born Description History Relationships
Alpo Ustalto (edit) Alpo Ustalto

Monster Guard



City council member and monster researcher.

Ambrose M Raleigh (edit) Ambrose M Raleigh Female


Nouveau Riche

Renowned author whose fame reaches far past the constraints of the city. Her rapid success catapulted her into the society of the Nouveau Riche, and then straight into their hearts along with those of her beloved fans.

She is also the city council member for the Nouveau Riche.

Ebrom the Fist (edit) Ebrom the Fist Male



A dwarf in his late middle age, Ebrom is a well respected priest of Thornos, both for his martial skill and his sage diplomatic endeavors.

He can usually be found in Thornos' headquarters at Hammer Square in Hammercourt.

Edrim (edit) Edrim

The Great Wyrm


One of the great powers of The City, Edrim has placed his power and his treasury in service of The City. Unkind souls might point out that his position has gained him even more treasure, as well as safety from The Nightmare.

Granny Hune (edit) Granny Hune

The Grannies



-50 BN

Each family has their own food plot near the house and whatever herbs or weeds they might choose to grow there are their own business, and it is a well-known fact that Granny Hune (sometimes called Granny Jes) has the nicest garden in Little Hollow. She helps out with the daily struggles of farm life in her own way: a tonic for back pain, a tea for fertility, a charm to keep rabbits out of the garden, but she has also been known to take in girls who are having a rough time at home and give them a place to stay for a few nights. They always leave with some wisdom from Granny Hune and often with some cuttings from her garden with instructions on how the plants should be used and, more importantly, how they “shouldn’t” be used.

There are rumors that Granny Jes might have ties to The Antler branch of the Planar Conservatory, but everyone knows better than to poke around too much.

Laeloren Evenstar (edit) Laeloren Evenstar




Remembrance Of Highgarden

The reserved and sanguine representative of the Remembrance of Highgarden at the city council.

Whilst the faction is usually depicted as shortsighted and foolhardy, Laeloren is more than willing to play ball and make agreements with members of the Council for manpower and mutual aid.

Usually bedecked in light grey robes accessorized with golden chains linking different elegant crystalline tchotchke. His beautiful features are marred by a brutal sword scar through his right cheek and into his left before he evidently fell away from the blade.

Marble Guard (edit) Marble Guard


The City

An inevitable, Marble Guard seems both to represent and to actively safeguard the existence of The City. He is utterly devoted and narrowly focused on ensuring that continued existence, acting as a general when needed, and a teacher of officers at the War College the rest of the time.

Nadya Carrew (edit) Nadya Carrew Female


Nadya Carrew is an experienced druid and is the current leader of The Planar Conservatory, as well as their representative to the city council. She is an older gnomish woman, slight in frame and small in stature, usually found wearing simple brown robes with flowers decorating her silver hair. She is known to be well-mannered and polite.