
From Night's End
The City > Whitesquare

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The location of most of the educational institutions of The City.

This district is the center of learning, hosting libraries, research institutes and a dozen different colleges. Though outsiders usually call the collected colleges The University, they are a fractious lot, and rivalries and outright hostility marks the relationship between many of the colleges.

Fights, duels, vandalism and sabotage by the students are not uncommon, and though the different watch departments of the district try to keep a lid on things for the safety of The City, it is not entirely uncommon for a watch department to turn a blind eye when it is the students of their sponsoring college that is conducting mischief.

However, though this is a constant background struggle, the watches do keep things enough under control, that the average visitor to the district is unlikely to notice, instead being taken in by the scholarly atmosphere of the district.

Each college generally has its own attached library, which may or may not be accessible to outsiders.

Locations of Note

White Square

The namesake of the district, this square are the center of the district is instantly recognizable by its black'n'grey tiled surface. Surrounded on three sides by the Artificer's College, the College of Arts and the Statemans School, the center of the square generally sees a noticable presence of watchmen from all three colleges, ensuring that the students keep the peace on the central square.

  • Artificer's College: The artificer's college is primarily focused on magical construction and artifice, though its subjects branch out from there. A significant amount of the students and classes are related to the practice of magic, but compared to the archetype of the college, a surprising amount are either entirely mundane, alchemical or otherwise not using active magic.
  • College of Arts: Though commonly regarded as the college of artists, the curriculum of the College of Arts extends well beyond mere aesthetic art into practical crafts and magical arts. That said there is indeed a general throughline of creativity in their philosophy. The college of arts has a rivalry with both the artificer's college and the bardic college.
  • Statemans School: Primarily dedicated to diplomacy and bureaucracy, the statemans school also has classes in maths, engineering, history, culture, magic, and many other practical fields that a servant of The City might find useful. The school has many contacts into the institutions and guilds of The City.

Staff Square

A small square, lying in the shadow of the buildings and spires of the Thaumaturgium which embraces it on two sides.

  • Thaumaturgium: On of the three colleges dedicated to wizardly magic, and the least specialized of the three. The thaumaturgium seeks to educate any arcane or occult disciple that pays tuition, in whichever arts they desire. Some might insist that this limits the expertise they can bring, but the Thaumaturgium is the most likely place to find a scholar on any particular magical matter.
  • The Alembic: A two-story tea house generally frequented by the students and faculty of the Thaumaturgium and allied institutions. Plenty of breakthroughs into magical theory have been made here over a cup of tea, coffee or other beverage.

Tactician's Draw

A sunken square, right next to Crownwall, which follows the back side of the War College. This is usually the side by which the students leave the building once lessons are over.

  • War College: This college educates in a myriad of subjects related to war, from engineering, over tactics, to battle magic. The college is sponsored by the Bastion Council to educate the members needed for the defense of The City, but the college also accepts individuals paying their own tuition.
    The students of the War College have the most rivalries of any college, but is also the group least likely to go overboard and possible hurt the future prosperity of The City. They are also often actively engaged


Basic Info

Type: University District
Level: 10
Population: 1830 (60% human, 13% elf, 10% dwarf, 5% elemental-touched, 3% gnomes, 9% other

Guilds and Factions

  • Arcane Faculty: Representatives to the City Council by the various magical colleges. Fractious and often disunited.
  • Bastion Council: Sponsors the War College
  • Trade Faculty: Representatives to the City Council by the colleges associated with various trades. Practical, but fiercely protective of trade.
  • White Faculty: Representatives to the City Council by the colleges that associate most closely with The City as a whole. Tend to fade into the background.