
From Night's End
Front Page > Classes > Wizard

Class wizard.png

Wizardry is well respected in The City, with wizards generally holding high positions or lucrative jobs compared to other spellcasters.

An not insignificant amount are trained in a master-apprentice relationship by various mages across the city. These usually enter various commercial professions, though it is not unknown for some individuals to enter the adventuring profession.

Many wizards, however, comes directly from the Arcane College, trained by one of the Arcane Schools. Training at the Arcane College can be acquired for free by promising candidates in exchange for service to The City in various military and civilian positions. Alternatively, citizens of means can purchase a spot at the Arcane School. Some of these still end up in service to The City, while others sell their skills, or employ them in an adventuring career.

Apprenticed wizards are fond of the Metamagical Experimentation and Spell Blending theses, being somewhat freer to pursue experimentation and unorthodox styles. They are also more likely to be Universalists than specializing in a single school, though many still do specialize.

College-educated wizards (also known just as college wizards) are generally not considered a full wizard until they have acquired their familiar, and thus many take the Improved Familair Attunement thesis, though Staff Nexus is also a popular thesis.

The Spell Substitution thesis is popular among fighting and adventuring wizards. Whether Apprenticed or College wizards, the ability to swap spells is always handy when you are in the field rather than a comfortable, predictable position in The City. Wizards with this thesis is occasionally stereotyped as being the kind of active (or even impulsive) type that would need such aid, rather then simply planning ahead like a "proper" wizards would.