Gray Lands Goblins

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Front Page > Ancestries > Gray Lands Goblins

Ancestry goblin gray lands.png

You or your ancestors came from a land that bordered The City during a trip to The Gray Lands; a world plagued with demons, undead and other nasties after an ancient cataclysm.

Your people came to the city, when an especially soft-hearted group of heroes came upon your beleaguered village, and decided to basically adopt you. It was not a popular act when they brought you back to The City, but you were begrudgingly allowed stay.

Since then, a small group of survivors have multiplied, and form a noticeable percentage of the population of the slums, Crooked Alleys and The Depth, where you’ve been forced to reside. As an unfortunate consequence of these low living standards most people regard goblins as rapidly reproducing criminals, and there are organizations devoted to getting you expulsed from The City.

Common Heritages: DhampirV, Irongut, Tailed, TieflingV, Unbreakable

  • Beastkin: Some of the goblins of your homeland were touched by various werebeasts, and passed on their curse to their descendants in diluted form. This heritage often skips generations, and even in the current goblin population is rather rare.

Common Ancestry Feats: City Scavenger, Goblin Lore, Goblin Scuttle, Hard Tail, Twitchy, Very Sneaky