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Front Page > House Rules > Reputation

Reputation measures how well liked the PCs (or a single PC) is with a group (or single NPC).


Each favor the PCs perform for a group may grant the PCs a Reputation Point with that group, if the favor is within the noticeable favors threshold (see below).

  • Minor favors are simple, basic tasks that don’t take too much effort for a PC to perform or much time at the table.
  • Moderate favors require a significant amount of effort and often take up a session or a noticeable chunk of a single session to complete.
  • Major favors are a sizable endeavor, typically an entire quest involving several sessions.

Performing any favor within the threshold grants 1 reputation point usually, and 3 reputation points if it is a major favor, and the group is not already at Admired or Revered status.


On the flip side, disservices are a catchall for ways the PCs might make a group angry, whether it’s through actual malice and planning on the PCs’ part or simply by accident. Unlike favors, disservices don’t have as easy a correspondence with in-game time; a quick but particularly egregious action could easily still be a major disservice. Disservices normally lose the PCs Reputation Points, if it is within the noticeable disservices threshold.

  • Minor disservices could be small but significant missteps, or accumulated slights and inconveniences.
  • Moderate disservices are more than just a nuisance or annoyance, generally significantly hindering the group’s efforts or violating a fundamental tenet of the group’s beliefs in a significant but not egregious way.
  • Major disservices are incredibly antagonistic to a group, usually a single brazen act, such as thwarting a cabal’s apocalyptic doomsday plan.

Performing any disservice within the threshold takes away 1 reputation point usually, and 3 reputation points if it is a major disservice, and the group is not already at Hated or Hunted status.

Reputation Rep Points Noticable Favors Threshold Noticeable Disservices Threshold
Revered 6 to 10 Major Moderate and Major
Admired 3 to 5 Major Moderate and Major
Liked 1 to 2 Moderate and Major Any
Ignored 0 Any Any
Disliked -1 to -2 Any Moderate and Major
Hated -3 to -5 Moderate and Major Moderate and Major
Hunted -6 to -10 Moderate and Major Major

Benefits of Positive Reputation

When the PCs have positive favor with a faction, it is usually willing to aid the PCs in a manner.

  • Liked: Generally, the faction is willing to provide the equivalent of a minor favor (lend equipment, or provide knowledge)
  • Admired: Generally, the faction is willing to provide the equivalent of a moderate favor (aid in a single endeavor, such as gaining entrance to the castle, or defending a location against a single attack)
  • Revered: Generally, the faction is willing to provide the equivalent of a major favor (providing aid for an entire quest, such as toppling the tyrant or recovering an artifact)

The players may be able to ask for a favor one level higher. This also allows the group to ask faction with an Ignored or Disliked level of reputation for minor favor.

This will generally require the promise of equivalent aid to the faction (which might be as simple as payment for equipment or knowledge). If this aid does not materialize (or perhaps if the PCs do aid, but the group’s endeavor fails) the PCs lose a level of reputation with the faction, putting them at the minimum Reputation Points for that level.

Factions may require a Liked reputation before it is willing to sell uncommon gear or provide uncommon services to the group.

Reputation Free Favors Bought Favors Disservices Targeting PCs
Revered Major
Admired Moderate Major
Liked Minor Moderate
Ignored Minor
Disliked Minor Minor
Hated Moderate
Hunted Major

Drawbacks of Negative Reputation

When the PCs have negative favor with a faction, it may actively attempt to inconvenience or hurt the PCs.

  • Disliked: The faction may perform minor disservices, not going out of its way to hurt the PCs, but performing petty maliciousness when presented with the opportunity.
  • Hated: The faction may perform moderate disservices, every once in a while going out of their way to perform a single, targeted action against the PCs to significantly hurt them or hinder their efforts.
  • Hunted: The faction may perform major disservices, launching a targeted campaign against the PCs to kill them, capture them or destroy their endeavors.

Note that the character of faction disservices are heavily dependent on their nature. For a cult of death-worshipping assassins, a minor disservice might be a dagger in the back when given the opportunity, while for a politician, a major disservice may solely be to ruin the PCs reputation in the city, so that they have no allies for their plans.