The Arcane

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The City > The Arcane

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The center of magical industry in The City

The Arcane is the ward for magical and alchemical artifice in The City. A multitude of working man wizards, alchemists and artificers work in the ward's many workshops, while a few more powerful sell their spellcasting services to those that can afford it. The buildings are generally well-constructed stone or half-timber, but some areas do suffer from weird alchemical smells or magical discharge.

Locations of Note

Three Scrolls Corner

At the intersection between Iron Dream Road, Arcane Forge Street and Redsong street lies Three Scrolls Corner, flanked by one building on each side. This widening of the streets is usually filled with traffic, both of cart and pedestrians.

  • Three Scrolls: A two-story shop selling magical scrolls of all kinds. The lower floor is filled with shelves of everyday scrolls used by adventurers and craftsmen alike, while the upper floor is invitation only and holds a much more interesting collection. In the back rooms wage mages toil away to maintain the inventory.
  • The Gray Librarian: A tavern frequented by many of the college-educated residents of the ward, whether wage mages, sages or alchemists. The tavern is known for good music, food and conversation, without being overly boistorous.
    The proprietor of the tavern is the automaton Halsey (f).
  • Fraternity of Alchemists: The guild hall of the Fraternity of Alchemists.

Arcane Forge Square

A large square outside the Arcane Forge, usually busy with carts of raw materials entering the plant and finished goods leaving it.

  • Arcane Forge: The premier institution of everyday magitech in The City, the Arcane Forge is a large plant which employs scores of mages, alchemists and other workers to pumps out magical weapons, tools and everyday conveniences.
    The master and owner of the forge is Reina Stosk (f, human) one of the original archmages that helped create the Arcane Matrix.
  • Magical Sundries: This shop across from the Arcane Forge sells magical items, both from the forge, but also from other sources. Its stock is generally relatively low-magic and cheap, but for valued costumers the proprietor Thaisen (m, human) may help fascilitate the acquisition of more powerful items.

Scribe's Square

A quite square at the parkward end of the ward, with a single elm tree at the center of the square surrounded by benches.

  • Kait's Cat: The alchemist workshop of Kaitmore Silverdelver (f, dwarf). She has a number of apprentices pumping out alchemical items for the regular costumer, while she herself is usually engaged in some more interesting experimentation.

The Arcane

Basic Info

Type: Craftman's District
Level: 10
Population: 1220 (60% human, 15% elves, 6% planar-touched, 5% dwarf, 1% constructed, 14% other)

Guilds and Factions