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  • CostGp - Text
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  • WeightLbs - Text
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Page Name Type Slot IsAbility Aura CL Cost CostGp Weight WeightLbs Description Construction ConstructionCost OGL Fluff Rarity
Magic Items/Abarka of Allure

Abarka of Allure

gear feet No

faint Enhancement

3 2,000.0 2,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

Twice a day as a full-round action you may make a Diplomacy check to alter an NPC’s attitude toward you without suffering the normal –10 penalty for doing so (normally, such checks take a minimum of one minute).

As a result of the tall heel, if you take a run action in these, you only go three time (x3) your movement rate (rather than the normal x4).

Infuse Item, Enhancer, Mental Enhancement

1,000 L4L4, SoP

Two thin leather straps hold this light leather sandal tightly to the toe and ankle. An unusually tall and thin cavalier-boot-like heel allows the abarka to be used when riding with stirrups, though it makes running in them slightly more difficult.

Magic Items/Aegis Ring

Aegis Ring

gear ring No

faint Protection

3 2,000.0 2,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

When worn, an aegis ring provides a +1 deflection bonus to armor class.

Infuse Item, Abjurer

1,000 TotS

Extremely popular among adventurers for its protective qualities, this smooth iron ring is decorated with the symbol of a suit of armor on one side and a shield on the other.

Magic Items/Apprentice's First Wand

Apprentice's First Wand

gear implement No

faint Destruction

2 1,000.0 1,000 gp 2.0 2 lb.

This slender wooden spell engine contains the Battle Mage and Gale Blast feats, as well as the Energy Focus(Gale Blast) drawback.

While it normally deals 1d6 nonlethal damage, the user can spend the single spell point it can hold to increase this damage to 2d6 nonlethal.
Spell Point Pool: 1 SP

Infuse Item, Battle Mage, Gale Blast

500 TotS

This wand is often given to apprentices to help them practice their magic and control; since it only deals nonlethal damage and can trip targets, it is frequently the weapon of choice in amateur spell duels.

Magic Items/Armiger's Gauntlets

Armiger's Gauntlets

gear hands No

faint Conjuration

1 2,250.0 2,250 gp 2.0 2 lb.

As a free action, you can mentally command your gauntlets to help you don your armor. The metal flies off the gauntlets (leaving their leather backing to protect your hands), and swirls around an unattended suit of armor of your choice. They proceed to grab the armor and strap it expertly to your body, leaving you free to do other things. As soon as the gauntlets begin their work you suffer the full armor check penalty, arcane spell failure, and maximum Dexterity of your armor (while the armor isn’t fully on at first, the metal swirling around you gets in the way).

The gauntlets can put on your armor in the amount of time it normally takes to don hastily with help. They do this even if you are moving around and taking other actions (even fighting). The gauntlets work to protect your most vital regions first, causing your armor to grant you some bonus before it is fully donned. To figure how much bonus you get each round, determine how many rounds it takes to don your armor with help. Subtract your armor’s armor bonus from the number of rounds it takes to don. This is the number of rounds it takes to gain one point of armor bonus. Each round afterward, you gain one additional point of armor bonus, until you reach your full bonus, at which time your armor is fully donned.

For example, a knight with a suit of banded mail owns a pair of armiger’s gauntlets. It takes him 10 rounds (1 minute) to fully don his armor. Since his armor gives him a +6 armor bonus, he gains one point of armor bonus on the fourth round (10 rounds –6 armor bonus). Each round, the knight gains one additional point of armor bonus from his armor until round 10, when the armor is fully donned and grants his full +6 armor bonus.

The gauntlets can also remove your armor in the time it normally takes to remove it with help.

Infuse Item, Conjurer

1,125 L4L5, SoP

A heavy pair of armored gauntlets, these magic items are a series of metal plates riveted to thick leather gloves. They alter their appearance and style to match any armor worn with them.

Magic Items/Armored Shielding Mantle

Armored Shielding Mantle

gear shoulders No

faint Protection

1 1,530.0 1,530 gp 2.0 2 lb.

An armored shielding mantle grants a +2 shield bonus to AC and counts as light armor. It does not have any armor check penalty or maximum Dexterity bonus, but does have a 5% arcane spell failure and counts as metal light armor for purposes of special abilities and classes affected by such considerations.

Infuse Item, Abjurer

765 L4L6, SoP

Armored shielding mantles are made of delicate mithral chain links with a backing of soft linen blue and a black trim running along its edge. It has clasps crafted in the form of a sword and shield, the sword sitting behind the shield when the cloak is fastened.

Magic Items/Assassin's Dust

Assassin's Dust

powder No

faint Destruction

5 750.0 750 gp 0.0

When sprinkled on a corpse or an inanimate skeleton, it causes the dead flesh and bones to disintegrate into a fine brown powder similar to that left by a disintegrate spell.

Assassin’s dust comes in a small vial suitable for treating eight Small corpses, four Medium corpses, or one Large corpse. A skeletal corpse counts as half a corpse of its size.

This dust has no effect on living or undead creatures.

Store Spell, Destroyer, Disintegrate

375 CtAPD, SoP

This fine dust causes bare skin that it comes in contact with to burn and tingle.

Magic Items/Basic Wand

Basic Wand

gear implement No

faint any

2 1,000.0 1,000 gp 2.0 2 lb.

Basic wands are among the simplest forms of spell engine available and grant access to any one school at CL 2nd; schools with bonus feat choices (such as Geomancy) only have one of these bonus feats.

Most of these spell engines are referred to by the sphere they contain, such as basic destruction wand.

While still a little too expensive for most first-time adventurers, these are often put up on display for people who come in with pockets flush from their first big haul of treasure.

Basic Destruction, Protection, Telekinesis, and Warp spell engines are particularly popular. Spell engines normally require knowledge of the base sphere to use, and anyone who knows a basic school probably does not need this item, so activating a basic wand typically requires a DC 20 Use Magic Device check.
Spell Point Pool: 1 SP

Infuse Item, any one school feat

500 TotS uncommon
Magic Items/Belt of Avian Speed

Belt of Avian Speed

gear belt No

faint Enhancement

4 4,000.0 4,000 gp 2.0 2 lb.

While worn, it grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity. Treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

2,000 TotS

This belt is decorated with symbols of swift birds.

Magic Items/Belt of Many Uses

Belt of Many Uses

gear belt No

faint Creation

1 2,000.0 2,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

By an act of will, the belt can be made longer or shorter, round and blunt or edged, and remain flexible or become hard as iron. The combination of these changes allows the belt to function as any of a number of tools or weapons. Changing the belt from one item to another takes a move action, as it may include wrapping the belt around a hand, or folding or stretching it into a specific shape.

A belt of many uses can change length, rigidity and sharpness to act as a basket, chain (10 ft.), crowbar, grappling hook (and up to 30 ft. or rope), manacles (masterwork), piton (just one), pole (10 ft.), portable ram, rope (50 ft., silk), blowgun, bolas, club, dagger, gauntlet, spiked chain, punching dagger, spiked gauntlet, javelin, light hammer, light flail, light mace, light pick, nunchaku, spear, short sword, whip, or buckler.

Infuse Item, Creator

1,000 L4L8, SoP

This leather belt is decorated with thick, colored beads forming numerous simple pictograms of stick-figure laborers using dozens of different tools.

Magic Items/Belt of Mountains

Belt of Mountains

gear belt No

faint Enhancement

4 4,000.0 4,000 gp 2.0 2 lb.

While worn, it grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution. Treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

2,000 TotS

This leather belt is decorated with symbols of mountains.

Magic Items/Belt of Regeneration

Belt of Regeneration

gear belt No

faint Life

2 4,800.0 4,800 gp 2.0 2 lb.

When the wearer of this belt is injured, it grants Fast Healing 3 for 6 rounds. This effect does not trigger if the Fast Healing is already triggered, and would heal the user to full life with its remaining duration.

The belt can trigger 3 times per day.

Infuse Item, Vivomancer, Revitalize

2,400 TotS rare
Magic Items/Belt of Wild Might

Belt of Wild Might

gear belt No

faint Enhancement

4 4,000.0 4,000 gp 2.0 2 lb.

While worn, it grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength. Treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

2,000 TotS

This leather belt is decorated with symbols of powerful beasts.

Magic Items/Berthir's Ward Against Darkness

Berthir's Ward Against Darkness

gear wrists No

moderate Light

5 6,750.0 6,750 gp 1.0 1 lb.

This item is a Spell Engine containing up to 3 spell points. 1 spell point can be used to dispel an magical darkness effect with a temporary duration, or to suppress a permanent darkness effect for 1d4 rounds.

0 SoP

Leather bracers of elven make with gold inlay and faintly glowing white gems.

Magic Items/Blessing of the Fates

Blessing of the Fates

gear other No

faint Fate

3 2,500.0 2,500 gp 1.0 1 lb.

This strip of paper seems strangely resistant to damage and has a wax seal that seems oddly easy to attach to different parts of the body as long as no other magical items are there. When worn, a blessing of the fates provides a +1 sacred bonus to armor class.

Infuse Item, Auspician

1,250 TotS uncommon
Magic Items/Boltcatcher


gear shield No

faint protection

3 2,420.0 2,420 gp 15.0 15 lb.

These special shields are often given to troops expecting to come under heavy enemy fire. They are masterwork elusive remedy (bolt) spellforged heavy steel shields. This means they grant a +2 shield AC bonus, +3 vs ranged weapons, and grant DR 3/-- against bolts.

Infuse Item, Abjurer, Craft (armorer) 5+ ranks

1,295 L4L1, SoP uncommon
Magic Items/Boots of Distraction

Boots of Distraction

gear feet No

faint Illusion

1 900.0 900 gp 0.5 0.5 lb.

As a standard action you can create the sound of up to four booted sets of feet walking, running, or marching away from you. The sound travels from where you are to any point up to 30 feet away, and lasts up to two rounds. For the round you activate the boots and the next round, you gain a +2 bonus to all Stealth checks.

Infuse Item, Trickster

400 L4L4, SoP

These cloth boots are made for heavy wear. They are made of two layers of cloth, a soft inner layer and a thick, rough outer material. Cloth frog closures close them at the ankle and mid-calf. Supple leather strips are sewn into the sole, providing a flexible and quiet footfall. The heel of each boot is marked with a gnomish sigil meaning “repeat.”

Magic Items/Boots of Dwarvenkind

Boots of Dwarvenkind

gear feet No

faint Enhancement

1 2,000.0 2,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

While wearing these you gain a 10 ft. enhancement bonus to your movement rate if you are wearing armor that encumbers as medium or heavy armor, or if you are in medium or heavy encumbrance. Thus, while wearing these boots, a human in leather armor carrying a heavy load, an elf in a mithral breastplate, or a dwarf in full plate armor all have a 30-ft. movement rate.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

1,000 L4L4, SoP

These heavy, black leather boots are shod with iron soles and held together with heavy iron rivets. Despite their uncomfortable appearance, they fit cozily around your feet, giving firm but supple support to your soles, ankles, and calves.

Magic Items/Boots of Halflingkind

Boots of Halflingkind

gear feet No

faint Enhancement

3 2,500.0 2,500 gp 0.5 0.5 lb.

While wearing these, you make take 10 on Acrobatics and Climb checks even when in circumstances of distraction, stress, or combat, when you would not normally be allowed to take 10.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

1,250 L4L4, SoP

These boots are clearly designed for a Small creature, though they size to fit whoever picks them up. They are surprisingly soft and flexible brown leather, with buttons running from ankle to calf and fringe along the top of each. A split at the end of the boots allows the big toe is flex separately from the rest of the toes.

Magic Items/Boots of Humankind

Boots of Humankind

gear feet No

faint Enhancement

3 2,500.0 2,500 gp 1.0 1 lb.

While wearing these boots, as a standard action you may choose one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Ride, or Swim. You gain a +3 enhancement bonus to that skill until you either use another standard action to reassign the bonus or remove the boots.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

1,250 L4L4, SoP

Worn as either thigh-high boots, or with cuffs turned down to a swashbuckler-like calf height, these boots are simple tanned leather. They fit snugly with no sign of fasteners. Most are undyed brown, though some are a simple blue, green, or red in color.

Magic Items/Boots of Orcishkind

Boots of Orcishkind

gear feet No

faint Enhancement

3 2,500.0 2,500 gp 1.0 1 lb.

Boots of orcishkind grant to a +1 bonus to melee attack rolls and damage with melee weapons on any round you take no movement at all (not even a 5 ft. step) and take a full attack action. If you are using a two-handed weapon, the damage bonus increases to +2.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

1,250 L4L4, SoP

These heavy, crudely stitched rawhide boots include heavy iron buckles across the top of the foot and twice along the calf. Wearing them makes you feel firmly grounded, as though your stance could grant you additional leverage.

Magic Items/Boots of Striding

Boots of Striding

gear feet No

faint Enhancement

3 3,000.0 3,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

These boots provide a +10 enhancement bonus to the wearer’s base land speed.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

1,500 TotS uncommon
Magic Items/Bottomless Bottle

Bottomless Bottle

marvelous item No

moderate Conjuration

7 6,500.0 6,500 gp 1.0 1 lb.

This clear glass bottle appears to be full of wine, but no matter how much is poured out it never empties. Most people thus consider it far superior to its cousin, the decanter of endless water.

Speaking a command word when uncorking the bottle determines whether the wine is red or white, but the quality is always average. Quality, however, is sometimes less important than quantity.

Infuse Item, Creator, Classic Substances

1,500 CwC, SoP rare
Magic Items/Bracers of Spider Climbing

Bracers of Spider Climbing

gear wrists No

faint Alteration

3 4,800.0 4,800 gp 0.5 0.5 lb.

When worn, the wearer's hands become tacky, enabling the user to climb on vertical surfaces or even upside down along ceilings. Her climb speed is 20 feet. Severely slippery surfaces—icy, oiled, or greased surfaces—make these bracers useless. The bracers can be used for 10 minutes per day, split up as the wearer chooses (minimum 1 minute per use).

Infuse Item, Shapeshifter

2,400 SoP rare
Magic Items/Brightmote Ring

Brightmote Ring

gear ring No

faint Light

1 900.0 900 gp 0.0

A brightmote ring can be activated as a standard action, creating a glowing mote of light as bright as a torch. The light moves as directed by the wearer (no concentration needed), though it must stay within 110 feet of the ring wearer. The light lasts until it exceeds this range, or is dispelled by the ring wearer (a free action).

Infuse Item, Illuminator

450 L4L2, SoP common
Magic Items/Bullhide Boots

Bullhide Boots

gear feet No

faint Enhancement

3 1,250.0 1,250 gp 3.0 3 lb.

If you succeed at a bull rush maneuver while wearing bullhide boots, and you move with the defender to push him back, you may push your foe 5 feet further than normal.

Infuse Item, Enhancer, Physical Enhancement

625 L4L4, SoP

These heavy boots are made of thick leather, with heavy brown hair still attached to the outer surface. The soles are made of a dark material that looks like iron but is flexible and comfortable. The boots have three brass buckles running up each side, providing a tight fit to the calf. Each footprint left by the boots include a hoofprint in the front third, making the prints distinctive.

Magic Items/Cape of Resistance

Cape of Resistance

gear shoulders No

faint Protection

3 1,000.0 1,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

This well-made cape offers a +1 resistance bonus to all saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will).

Infuse Item, Abjurer, Resistance

500 SoP

While simple in design, their protective qualities make them a favored garment among adventurers.

Magic Items/Cast Iron Collapsible Kitchen

Collapsible Kitchen, Cast Iron

marvelous item No

faint Warp

7 12,000.0 12,000 gp 5.0 5 lb.

When the command word is spoken, it expands into a fully functional kitchen, complete with cookware, cutlery, and fireplace. (The chef must supply any actual food.) Speaking the command word again collapses the kitchen into a small trunk easily carried in one hand. The collapsible kitchen cannot be collapsed while any small-sized or larger creatures are inside. (Smaller creatures, such as rats, are simply expelled. Many chefs find this to be one of the best features.)

A cast iron collapsible kitchen creates a medium workspace (ten feet square) with a decent array of cookware, sufficient for an average eatery.

Infuse Item, Worldwalker, Extradimensional Storage

6,000 CwC, SoP rare
Magic Items/Chattergem


gear head No

faint Mind

2 1,000.0 1,000 gp 0.1 0.1 lb.

Chattergems are Mind spell engines with the Project Thoughts charm and the Empath drawback, and they often take the form of simple half-circles with a gem in the center designed to be worn on one ear.

Spell Point Pool: 1 SP

Infuse Item, Trickster, Project Thoughts

500 TotS

These tools are especially popular among thieves who, while not magically-inclined, often know enough about using magic items to activate them consistently.

Magic Items/Chest of Cooling

Chest of Cooling

marvelous item No

faint Protection

1 500.0 500 gp 25.0 25 lb.

This small wooden chest comes in a variety of sizes and shapes, most of which easily fit on the back of a horse. Physically, the chest is just a chest, but an enchantment keeps anything inside cold to preserve its freshness. Most chests come with a small rune on the inside that can be adjusted to control the exact temperature.

Infuse Item, Abjurer, Energy Resistance

250 CwC, SoP uncommon
Magic Items/Chest of Cooling

Chest of Cooling

marvelous item No

faint Protection

1 500.0 500 gp 25.0 25 lb.

This small wooden chest comes in a variety of sizes and shapes, most of which easily fit on the back of a horse. Physically, the chest is just a chest, but an enchantment keeps anything inside cold to preserve its freshness. Most chests come with a small rune on the inside that can be adjusted to control the exact temperature.

Infuse Item, Abjurer, Energy Resistance

250 CwC, SoP uncommon
Magic Items/Circlet of Truth

Circlet of Truth

gear head No

faint Mind

3 1,600.0 1,600 gp 1.0 1 lb.

The circlet can be activated once per day by touching it as a standard action. For the next two minutes, if a speaker is within 30 ft., you can discern whether they are speaking truth or falsehood. If they speak falsehood, you do not learn the truth, and you cannot discern exactly which words were false, just that the statement as a whole was.

Infuse Item, Mentalist

800 SoP

This plain silver circlet allows the wearer to discern the truth of others.

Magic Items/Climbing Cloak

Climbing Cloak

gear shoulders No

faint Enhancement

1 2,400.0 2,400 gp 1.0 1 lb.

Twice per day, your cloak can grab any surface and begin climbing for you, hauling you along for the ride. You can climb 20 feet in any direction as a move action, but cannot climb further even as a full round action.

You don’t provoke attacks of opportunity by climbing this way (though you do for moving out of a threatened space while climbing, as you normally would). Your hands are free while you climb, you retain your Dexterity bonus to AC, and can act or attack normally.

The cloak is active for three minutes each time it is used, so it’s best to find a safe place to alight before the duration runs out.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

1,200 L4L6, SoP

While a simple clasp holds the front of this short cloak shut, straps also bind it tightly to your shoulders. It seems to be made of plain gray cotton, with streaks of darker color that resembles cracks in stonework.

Magic Items/Cloak of Competence

Cloak of Competence

gear shoulders No

faint Enhancement

1 1,000.0 1,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

Any time you made an opposed check (a d20 check directly opposed by the result of another d20 check from another character, such as Perception vs. Stealth or Sense Motive vs. Bluff) you gain a +1 competence bonus.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

500 L4L6, SoP

This voluminous linen cloak is deep crimson in color, with golden trim and a delicate needlepoint pattern across the back (which shows your heraldry, if you have any). It attaches with two large medallions, one pinned to each shoulder.

Magic Items/Cloak of Dwarvishkind

Cloak of Smiting

gear shoulders No

faint Enhancement

3 2,450.0 2,450 gp 1.0 1 lb.

While wearing this cloak, you gain the ability to once per day smite a single foe type of foe. The type (or subtype if humanoid) of creature is chosen upon creation of the claok.

The smite must be made as part of a melee weapon attack. You gain a bonus to your attack roll equal to your Charisma bonus and a bonus on weapon damage equal to your level.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

1,225 L4L6, SoP

Leather straps with metal studs attach this thick wool cloak of black and red trim securely in place. If you belong to a guild or craft house, its symbols appear in black along the cloak’s red trim.

Magic Items/Cloak of Escape

Cloak of Escape

gear shoulders No

faint Creation

1 2,000.0 2,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

Once per day you can cause the majority of this cloak to tear free, leaving just scraps of it around your shoulders. Doing this gives you a +10 bonus to a single Escape Artist check.

If this check is successful, you go free while whatever you escaped is left holding the cloth torn from your cloak. A round after you escape, the detached portion disintegrates. Over the course of the next 24 hours the remaining scraps grow back into a full cloak.

Infuse Item, Creator

1,000 L4L6, SoP

The straps connecting this cloak to your shoulders are surprisingly sturdy— wrapping around your upper arms and crossing your chest. The remainder of the cloak is typical linen, though the material is slightly worn near the top.

Magic Items/Cloak of Resistance

Cloak of Resistance

gear shoulders No

moderate Protection

6 4,000.0 4,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

This well-made cloak offers a +2 resistance bonus to all saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will).

Infuse Item, Abjurer, Resistance

2,000 SoP

Flecks of silver or steel are often sown amid the fabric of these magical cloaks.

Magic Items/Cloak of Smiting

Cloak of Smiting

gear shoulders No

faint Enhancement

3 2,450.0 2,450 gp 1.0 1 lb.

While wearing this cloak, you gain the ability to once per day smite a single foe type of foe. The type (or subtype if humanoid) of creature is chosen upon creation of the claok.

The smite must be made as part of a melee weapon attack. You gain a bonus to your attack roll equal to your Charisma bonus and a bonus on weapon damage equal to your level.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

1,225 L4L6, SoP

Leather straps with metal studs attach this thick wool cloak of black and red trim securely in place. If you belong to a guild or craft house, its symbols appear in black along the cloak’s red trim.

Magic Items/Coin Belt

Coin Belt

gear belt No

faint Creation

1 200.0 200 gp 1.0 1 lb.

Once per day, you can pry a single silver piece from the buckle of this belt. You must wear the belt for 8 hours before you can get a silver piece from it, and you can never remove more than one silver piece in a single 24 hour period.

Only living, thinking creatures under their own will can use this item. It does not function for constructs, undead, spell effects, summoned creatures, creatures with an Intelligence of less than 8, or those under enchantment spells.

Infuse Item, Creator

100 L4L8

A silver buckle in the shape of a coin holds this simple leather belt firmly fastened.

Magic Items/Comfort Sash

Comfort Sash

gear belt No

faint Protection

1 2,000.0 2,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

When you wear the comfort sash, you suffer no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. You can exist comfortably in conditions between -50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit (-45 and 60 degrees Celsius) without having to make Fortitude saves. Your equipment is likewise protected.

Endure elements doesn’t provide any protection from fire or cold damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of air, and so forth.

Infuse Item, Abjurer

1,000 L4L8, SoP

This silk sash is reversible, with one side bright red and the other deep blue. Gold trim runs along the edges, and four gold coins are sewn to each end, causing them to hang well even when the sash’s wearer moves vigorously.

Magic Items/Common Magical Toolkit

Magical Toolkit, Common

marvelous item No

faint Mind

2 400.0 400 gp 2.0 2 lb.

Magical toolkits are elaborate toolsets that offer a +2 competence bonus to one skill.

Infuse Item, Mentalist

200 TotS

Many adventurers buy these toolkits to supplement personal weaknesses, such as poor observation skills, or to enhance their abilities in a particular area.

Magic Items/Copper Collapsible Kitchen

Collapsible Kitchen, Copper

marvelous item No

faint Warp

13 30,000.0 30,000 gp 5.0 5 lb.

When the command word is spoken, it expands into a fully functional kitchen, complete with cookware, cutlery, and fireplace. (The chef must supply any actual food.) Speaking the command word again collapses the kitchen into a small trunk easily carried in one hand. The collapsible kitchen cannot be collapsed while any small-sized or larger creatures are inside. (Smaller creatures, such as rats, are simply expelled. Many chefs find this to be one of the best features.)

A copper collapsible kitchen unfolds into a large (thirty feet square) kitchen containing a large oven, several hearths, an array of counters and tables, and essentially any cooking implement a chef could ask for (and several that defy known function).

A copper kitchen also includes up to four invisible servants to serve as assistants. This kitchen suffices for feeding nobility, but preparing meals for kings, emperors, and other royalty requires multiple such kitchens working in concert to make an adequate meal.

Infuse Item, Worldwalker, Extradimensional Storage

15,000 CwC, SoP advanced
Magic Items/Crawling Cummerbund

Crawling Cummerbund

gear belt No

faint Alteration

1 2,000.0 2,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

Once per day, as a standard action, you can whip off the cummerbund and have it turn into a viper or a giant centipede. The creature obeys your commands to the best of its ability, and remains in its animate form for ten rounds or until killed. If slain, it returns to its cloth state and can be used again the next day.

Infuse Item, Shapeshifter

1,000 L4L8, SOP

This belt is a finely crafted piece of cloth that would not be out of place in a noble’s outfit. Made of linen, its color scheme matches whatever other clothes you wear. Its ornamentation remains unchanged, however—snakeskin patterns running along its length, and hundreds of tiny tassels.

Magic Items/Death Grippers

Death Grippers

gear hands No

faint Enhancement

3 1,600.0 1,600 gp 0.0

When wearing these, you gain a +2 bonus to CMB checks made pertaining to grapple, and +2 to your CMD against disarm maneuvers.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

800 L4L5, SoP

The palms of these gloves are made of heavy leather, while the backs and cuffs are made from lighter cloth. The palms and insides of the fingers glisten as if damp and seem slightly tacky. Most sets of these gloves are a dark brown or black in color.

Magic Items/Dust of Acid Consumption

Dust of Acid Consumption

powder No

moderate Destruction

10 1,600.0 1,600 gp 0.0

If it is thrown into acid, a volume of as much as 10 gallons is instantly transformed into nothingness, and the dust becomes a marble sized pellet floating or resting where it was thrown.

If this pellet is hurled, it breaks and releases the same volume of acid, dealing 1d6 points of acid damage per gallon absorbed into the pellet (maximum 4d6), affecting all creatures within a 30-foot radius of its point of impact. This is a splash weapon.

If the dust is used against an ooze that deals acid damage with its attacks, the creature must make a DC 18 Fortitude save or be destroyed. The dust deals 5d6 points of damage to the ooze even if its saving throw succeeds.

Store Spell, Destroyer, Disintegrate

800 CtAPD, SoP rare
Magic Items/Dust of Appearance

Dust of Appearance

powder No

faint Divination

5 1,800.0 1,800 gp 0.0

A single handful of this substance flung into the air coats objects within a 10-foot radius, making them visible even if they are invisible. It likewise negates the effects of blur and displacement. In this, it works just like the faerie fire spell. The dust also reveals figments, mirror images, and projected images for what they are.

A creature coated with the dust takes a –30 penalty on its Stealth checks.

The dust’s effect lasts for 5 minutes.

Store Spell, Diviner

900 CtAPD, SOP

This powder appears to be a very fine, very light metallic dust. Dust of appearance is typically stored in small silk packets or hollow bone tubes.

Magic Items/Dust of Confounding Scent

Dust of Confounding Scent

powder No

moderate Enhancement

6 300.0 300 gp 0.0

An object or creature coated with this purple dust completely ceases to give off any smell or scent. Attempting to locate such a creature using scent is impossible. A tracker attempting to locate a scentless creature is instead positive that his quarry has headed in another direction entirely.

The tracker may follow the false scent for 1d4 miles before the false scent is lost.

Store Spell, Enhancer

150 CtAPD, SoP
Magic Items/Dust of Darkness

Dust of Darkness

powder No

faint Darkness

3 600.0 600 gp 0.0

This shimmering black dust causes one creature to be coated in a layer of darkness for 1 minute.

In normal light, the creature gains concealment (20% miss chance). In dim light, the creature gains total concealment (50% miss chance). It has no effect in areas of bright light or darkness (though in bright light, a viewer can make a DC 20 Perception check to notice the target is slightly shadowed).

Creatures with darkvision see through the dust’s darkness as if it were normal darkness.

The dust dispels and counters the outlining effects of glitterdust, but doesn’t affect the spell’s blinding effects. Glitterdust dispels and counters the effects of the dust of darkness.

Store Spell, Nyctomancer

300 CtAPD, SoP rare
Magic Items/Dust of Dryness

Dust of Dryness

powder No

moderate Destruction

11 850.0 850 gp 0.0

This special dust has many uses.

If it is thrown into water, a volume of as much as 100 gallons is instantly transformed into nothingness, and the dust becomes a marble-sized pellet, floating or resting where it was thrown.

If this pellet is hurled, it breaks and releases the same volume of water. The dust affects only water (fresh, salt, alkaline), not other liquids.

If the dust is employed against an outsider with the elemental and water subtypes, the creature must make a DC 18 Fortitude save or be destroyed. The dust deals 5d6 points of damage to the creature even if its saving throw succeeds.

Store Spell, Destroyer, Disintegrate

425 CtAPD, SoP rare
Magic Items/Dust of Emulation

Dust of Emulation

powder No

faint Illusion

1 800.0 800 gp 0.0

A creature coated with this glittering golden dust can interact with any one item or object as if she had successfully used the Use Magic Device skill to emulate a class feature or race (if the exact result of the check matters, treat the character’s result as a 25).

If the user of the dust does not mentally select the intended item or object while coating herself with the dust, the magic of the dust applies to the first eligible object she encounters.

She can apply the result of this automatic check when dealing with the item or object for 1 hour after exposure to the dust.

Store Spell, Trickster

400 CtAPD, SoP rare
Magic Items/Dust of Flight

Dust of Flight

powder No

moderate Enhancement

6 1,000.0 1,000 gp 0.0

An inanimate object coated with this shimmering yellow dust gains some semblance of life and the ability to fly. The object is entirely under the control of the creature who sprinkled it with dust, and will follow the creature’s verbal commands in any language.

A single use of dust is enough to cover a single object which can fit entirely into a 5ft. by 5ft. by 5ft. cube – such as a chair, a broomstick, a small table, or a rolled up rug. The animated object can carry up to 500 pounds. Multiple uses of the dust may be applied to cover larger objects.

The effects of the dust dissipate without warning in 2d12 hours, often catching its user by surprise.

Store Spell, Enhancer

500 CtAPD, SoP rare
Magic Items/Dust of Illusion

Dust of Illusion

powder No

moderate Illusion

6 1,200.0 1,200 gp 0.0

A creature covered in dust of illusion is affected as if by a disguise self glamer, with the individual who sprinkles the dust envisioning the illusion desired. An unwilling target is allowed a DC 11 Reflex save to avoid the dust.

The glamer lasts for 2 hours.

Store Spell, Trickster

500 CtAPD, SoP

This unremarkable powder resembles chalk dust or powdered graphite. When stared at, however, the dust changes color and form.

Magic Items/Dust of Rapid Growth

Dust of Rapid Growth

powder No

faint Nature

3 250.0 250 gp 0.0

If sprinkled on a plant, the plant experiences one day’s healthy growth for every ten seconds that pass. When the dust expires after 1 hour, the plant will have experienced 1 year’s worth of growth.

Dust of rapid growth may be used to impart Fast Healing 1 to a creature with the plant type for 1 hour.

Store Spell, Geomancer

125 CtAPD, SoP

This thick and earthy powder mimics rich dirt in every visual and tactile respect.

Magic Items/Dust of Tracelessness

Dust of Tracelessness

powder No

faint Creation

3 250.0 250 gp 0.0

Tossing a handful of this dust into the air causes a chamber of up to 100 square feet of floor space to become as dusty, dirty, and cobweb-laden as if it had been abandoned and disused for a decade.

A handful of dust sprinkled along a trail causes evidence of the passage of as many as a dozen men and horses to be obliterated for 250 feet back into the distance. The results of the dust are instantaneous, and no magical aura lingers afterward from this use of the dust. Survival checks made to track a quarry across an area affected by this dust have a DC 20 higher than normal.

Store Spell, Creator

125 CtAPD, SOP

This normal-seeming dust is actually a magic powder that can conceal the passage of its possessor and his companions.

Magic Items/Dust of Weighty Burdens

Dust of Weighty Burdens

powder No

faint Enhancement

5 3,600.0 3,600 gp 3.0 3 lb.

A newly-crafted flask of the dust contains enough powder for 10 applications if poured out carefully, or the whole container can be thrown as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet.

One application of the dust sprinkled over an object increases the target’s weight by 100 pounds. Multiple applications stack, and the effect remains until the object is scrubbed clean of the metallic particles (taking a full-round action per application) or it takes 5 points of electricity damage per application.

A creature struck directly with a thrown flask must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1 per application remaining in the flask) or gain heavy encumbrance and be unable to fly for 2d4 rounds.

Targets in the splash area must save or gain medium encumbrance for 2d4 rounds. Scrubbing or electricity damage neutralizes the thrown powder as noted above.

Store Spell, Enhancer

1,800 CtAPD, SoP

Also known as lodestone essence, this coarse gray powder comes in a fragile ceramic flask covered in Terran runes.

Magic Items/Elemental Ward

Elemental Ward

gear wrists No

faint Protection

4 6,400.0 6,400 gp 1.0 1 lb.

Once per day, as a standard action, a creature can activate these bracelets to create an aegis on 3 allies who are within 35 feet for 4 minutes.

This aegis grants energy resistance 14 to one of the following elements, chosen when the item is activated and applying to all creatures that benefit from the aegis: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage. This only absorbs damage and may not protect from other side-effects.

The energy resistance granted by this item overlaps (and does not stack with) any existing energy resistance.

Infuse Item, Abjurer, Distant Protection, Elemental Resistance, Mass Aegis

3,200 TotS

Elemental wards are golden bracelets decorated with gems of various colors that bearers can clasp onto their wrists.

Magic Items/Elusive Armor

Elusive Armor

gear armor Yes

faint Protection

4 2,550.0 2,550 gp 0.0

Provides a +1 enhancement bonus to AC. This bonus is 1 higher against ranged weapon attacks (but not melee weapon attacks or spells).

Infuse Item, Abjurer

1,275 L4L, SoP common
Magic Items/Elusive Shield

Elusive Shield

gear shield Yes

faint Protection

3 1,550.0 1,550 gp 0.0

Provides a +1 enhancement bonus to AC. This bonus is 1 higher against ranged weapon attacks (but not melee weapon attacks or spells).

Infuse Item, Abjurer

775 SoP, L4L common
Magic Items/Elusive Shield

Elusive Shield

gear shield Yes

faint Protection

3 1,550.0 1,550 gp 0.0

Provides a +1 enhancement bonus to AC. This bonus is 1 higher against ranged weapon attacks (but not melee weapon attacks or spells).

Infuse Item, Abjurer

775 SoP, L4L common
Magic Items/Elven Fullplate of Haste

Elven Fullplate of Haste

gear armor No

faint Time

4 7,900.0 7,900 gp 25.0 25 lb.

Once per day the wearer of this armor can mentally trigger a speed-boosting enchantment which lasts for 4 minutes.

The wearer gains the ability to make an extra attack at its highest BAB whenever it makes a full attack action. This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as that provided by a speed weapon.

In addition the wearer received a 30 feet enhancement bonus (to a maximum of twice the subject’s normal speed) to all forms of movement, and a +1 bonus to attack rolls, as well as a +1 Dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.

Infuse Item, Chronomancer, Improved Haste

3,950 IoP

This armor crafted from aug-gold grants the wearer greatly increased speed.

Magic Items/Energy Converter

Energy Converter

gear hands No

faint Mana

1 400.0 400 gp 2.0 2 lb.

Once per day, as a standard action, a wearer can activate an energy converter to create an immobile spherical field with a radius of 10 feet and select one energy type from the following list: acid, cold, electricity, or fire.

For one round, all damage from magical or supernatural sources that’s of the damage types on that list and that passes through or affects anything within the field becomes the type of damage selected.

Infuse Item, Initiate

200 TotS

These ornate gauntlets seem to be made of metal thin enough to be woven into threads, but durable enough to withstand the rigors of combat, making them more like gloves than gauntlets.

Magic Items/Escape Dust

Escape Dust

powder No

faint Conjuration

3 300.0 300 gp 0.0

Using this dust requires a ranged touch attack by its user (with a range increment of 5 feet), but doing so does not provoke attacks of opportunity. On a hit, the target is dazzled and cannot make attacks of opportunity or immediate actions for 1 round.

Store Spell, Conjurer

150 CtAPD, SoP

When a handful of this coarse, crystalline powder is thrown at a single creature, it circles around that creature and disrupts its ability to attack and see.

Magic Items/Expeditious Pot

Expeditious Pot

marvelous item No

faint Time

5 4,000.0 4,000 gp 20.0 20 lb.

This large, cast-iron pot caters to those without much time, especially busy adventurers-on-the-go. One need only throw in several ingredients, close the lid, and let the pot simmer for ten minutes to prepare a fully cooked meal. An expeditious pot can only make simple dishes like stew and porridge; trying anything more complicated only results in very complicated stew.

Infuse Item, Chronomancer

2,000 CwC, SoP rare
Magic Items/Feathered Cloak

Feathered Cloak

gear shoulders No

faint Telekinesis

1 2,000.0 2,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

While wearing this item, you may activate a slow-fall ability on yourself as a reaction. The wearer falls slowly. The effect instantly changes the rate at which the wearer falls to a mere 60 feet per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet), and the wearer take no damage upon landing while the spell is in effect.

Infuse Item, Kinetomancer, Flight

1,000 L4L6, SoP

This cloak is made of thick canvas, to which many layers of feathers have been attached. The feathers match the style and coloration of the garments or armor worn under the cloak, ranging from multicolored rainbow hues to drab black, gray, or brown.

Magic Items/Fighter’s Gird

Fighter’s Gird

gear belt No

faint Protection

3 1,700.0 1,700 gp 1.0 1 lb.

While wearing this armored belt, you can ignore the first 4 points of Strength drain or damage you suffer each day. After you have ignored a total of 4 points of combined Strength drain or damage in a given day, you suffer all further Strength drains and damage normally.

This item is stiff and thick enough to cause you to take a –1 armor check penalty when unarmored (though it does not count as armor for purposes of abilities that can only be used when unarmored, nor does it have any arcane spell failure). However, if you are wearing any other armor with at least a –1 armor check penalty, the penalty from the fighter’s gird does not stack (it covers many of the same areas, thus creating no further hindrance when combined with other armor).

Infuse Item, Abjurer

850 L4L8, SoP

This is a thick, studded belt of boiled leather and steel rivets. A steel plate is mounted to the front, depicting a lion’s head roaring. Three buckles are found on each side of the belt.

Magic Items/Flask of the Dawn

Flask of the Dawn

marvelous item No

faint Life

2 4,800.0 4,800 gp 2.0 2 lb.

The flask of the dawn fills with three uses of a life-giving drink each morning and restores 2d8+2 hit points to anyone who drinks from it (as a standard action). This drink only heals and cannot be used to damage creatures vulnerable to positive energy.

Infuse Item, Vivomancer, Greater Healing

2,400 TotS

A much-beloved item among newer adventurers who do not have a friendly cleric around to heal them, and originally said to have been gifted to the world by a kind goddess for whom it is named.

Magic Items/Fleet Armor

Fleet Armor

gear armor Yes

faint Enhancement

3 250.0 250 gp 0.0

A suit of heavy armor can be made fleet. A character running in fleet heavy armor may run at x4 his base speed, rather than the normal x3 for being in heavy armor.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

125 SoP, L4L uncommon
Magic Items/Folding Cart

Folding Cart

marvelous item No

faint Creation

1 2,400.0 2,400 gp 1.0 1 lb.

A folding cart looks like a small wooden box about 6 inches long, 3 inches wide, and 2 inches deep when it is inactive. In this mode, it can be used to store items just like any other box.

Yet when the proper command word is given, the box unfolds itself rapidly in the space of a single round to form a Large chariot weighing 200 lbs.

A second command word causes it to unfold even further into a Huge carriage weighing 600 lbs.

The folding cart cannot unfold if there isn’t enough open space for it to occupy once unfolded. Any objects formerly stored in the box now rest inside the chariot or carriage.

A third word of command causes the chariot or carriage to fold itself into a box once again, but only when it is unoccupied.

Infuse Item, Creator, creator must have 3 or more ranks in Craft (carpentry)

1,200 L4L7, SoP rare
Magic Items/Foodmaker


marvelous item No

faint Nature

2 1,600.0 1,600 gp 0.0

Foodmakers look like boxes containing seeds that refresh each morning; once per day, you can toss these seeds onto the ground in a 10-foot radius. Immediately after, plants sprout with enough common food (such as corn or berries) to feed six Medium-sized creatures or two horses for a day.

Infuse Item, Geomancer, Plant Geomancy, Create Nature

800 TotS

Despised the world over by arcane masters confident they could come up with a much better name - but who have been continually rebuffed by commoners who refuse to call it anything else - the foodmaker is a popular choice among caravaners and travelers who expect to travel a long distance and do not know how much food they can find or carry along the way.

Magic Items/Force Cinch

Force Cinch

gear belt No

faint Protection

1 2,500.0 2,500 gp 1.0 1 lb.

The magic of this belt is obvious only when it is strapped on over a suit of armor. It augments up to 8 points of armor bonus so they act as a force effect, similar to the mage armor spell. As a force effect, the armor works against incorporeal attacks.

Infuse Item, Abjurer, Kinetomancer

1,250 L4L8, SoP

This armored belt is made of fine silver chain links that glitter in the light. Numerous small hooks and loops allow for the easy and convenient placement of weapons and small bags. A large silver buckle in the shape of a shield closes the belt. When worn by someone with personal heraldry, that image is displayed on the shield.

Magic Items/Force Thrust Gauntlets

Force Thrust Gauntlets

gear hands No

faint Telekinesis

1 2,500.0 2,500 gp 2.0 2 lb.

As a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity, the wearer of these gauntlets can make a ranged trip maneuver, with a range increment of 10 feet (to a maximum range of 50 feet).

The wearer cannot be knocked prone as a result of failing trip maneuvers he makes with these gloves. This counts as a force effect, striking incorporeal targets normally. You may make this ranged trip attack against any creature, no matter what its size.

Infuse Item, Kinetomancer, Telekinetic Maneuver

1,250 L4L5, SoP

Thick, black iron gauntlets with glyphs of battering rams running along the forearm, force thrust gauntlets are popular with warriors who wish to prevent foes from fleeing out of melee range.

Magic Items/Fragment of Destiny

Fragment of Destiny

gear other No

faint Fate

3 2,000.0 2,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

This crystal has been carefully woven into cloth and is designed to be worn anywhere on the body. While worn, a fragment of destiny provides a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws.

Infuse Item, Auspician

1,000 TotS common
Magic Items/Gauntlets of Maneuvers

Gauntlets of Maneuvers

gear hands No

faint Enhancement

3 1,000.0 1,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

This gauntlet always comes in pairs, both of which must be worn to obtain its effects. While worn, the gauntlet of maneuvers grants a +1 competence bonus to one combat maneuver. The wearer receives the same bonus to their CMD against the same combat maneuver.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

500 TotS common
Magic Items/Gauntlets of the War Mage

Gauntlets of the War Mage

gear hands No

faint Enhancement

3 2,500.0 2,500 gp 1.0 1 lb.

These gauntlets grant you a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls with spells, and +1 to hp damage rolls with spells that require attack rolls.

These bonuses cannot be used with spells delivered through weapon attacks or combined with weapon attacks in any way, nor do the damage bonuses apply to any spell that does not require an attack roll.

If a spell can affect multiple targets, only a single point of additional damage is done (select one target to take one additional point of damage).

Infuse Item, Battle Mage

1,250 L4L5, SoP

These gloves are made of extremely supple black leather, with thicker hard leather plates bolted onto the backs of the wrist and along the tops of the fingers. The thicker leather is skillfully articulated, allowing the fingers a full range of motion. Small runes of silver have been worked into all the leather plates.

Magic Items/Getaway Dust

Getaway Dust

powder No

moderate Illusion and Warp

8 3,000.0 3,000 gp 0.0

When thrown, it creates a variety of effects intended to aid in a speedy escape.

First, all those within a 20-ft. radius are subject to an invisibility spell (DC 12, harmless) which ends at the end of their next turns.

Second, all creatures within a 20-ft. radius may teleport up to 30 feet to any point they can see at their choosing.

Third, a fog cloud appears, as per the fog cloud spell, to a 20-ft. radius with a duration of 2 rounds.

Store Spell, Trickster, Worldwalker

1,500 CtAPD, SoP

This gleaming black dust is sharp, icy cold, and painful on the hands.

Magic Items/Girdle of Greenland Whispers

Girdle of Greenland Whispers

gear belt No

faint Geomancy

1 2,500.0 2,500 gp 1.0 1 lb.

While wearing the girdle of greenland whispers, you can hear soft voices coming from plantlife around you. The voices do not respond to questions you may ask, but do endlessly murmur about what can be seen and heard near them. Only you can hear these whispers, and they do not distract you from hearing other noises.

If there is enough plantlife in the area, these whispers can aid you in concealing yourself, and finding other things nearby. This grants you a +5 bonus to Perception and Stealth checks in forest, jungle, and swamp terrains.

Infuse Item, Geomancer

1,250 L4L8, SoP

This belt is constructed from two broad, curved pieces of treebark, hinged with a vine cord. The two sections fold around the waist of a wearer, and are then bound shut with another length of vine.

Magic Items/Girdle of Mule Strength

Girdle of Mule Strength

gear belt No

faint Force

1 2,000.0 2,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

When wearing this item you ignore the first 100 lbs. of weight you are carrying when calculating your encumbrance. Thus, a character wearing this belt and carrying 200 lbs. of gear and weapons calculates encumbrance as if carrying only 100 lbs. of weight.

Infuse Item, Kinetomancer

1,000 L4L8, SoP

This is a thick, grey leather belt covered in fine grey hair. It is tapered—broader at the sides and rear—giving your back firm support and increased comfort. It has a thick buckle with an iron horseshoe worked into it.

Magic Items/Gloves of Staves

Gloves of Staves

gear hands No

faint Conjuration

3 2,500.0 2,500 gp 0.0

When wearing the set, you may hold a staff in the right-hand glove and have it disappear. When this happens, a tiny, glowing glowing icon of the staff appears on the left glove in the form of embroidery. A maximum of four staves at a time may be may be stored in this manner.

When wearing both gloves, as a swift action you may summon any of the staves stored in the left-hand glove to the righthand glove of staves. You may only do this when the right hand is holding nothing or is holding a staff. If the hand is holding a staff, that staff is transformed into an icon on the left glove.

Note that the glowing staff icons can also be removed by grabbing the edge of the icon and pulling, which is the same as pulling a staff out of a pack (a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity). Others may also remove the staves in this manner, an action which is treated as identical to the act of removing an item from someone else’s pack. They can even be the target of a sunder attempt. In essence the stored staves are reduced to tiny replicas rather than shunted off to some extradimensional space.

Infuse Item, Conjurer

1,250 L4L5, SoP

Though these gloves are clearly designed as a set, they are not identical. The left glove is plain brown leather with a decorative blue cuff but no other adornment. The right glove is of the same leather and style with a matching blue cuff, but is also covered in golden runes (of summoning and possession) that seem to have been branded into the leather.

Magic Items/Gloves of Swords

Gloves of Swords

gear hands No

faint Conjuration

3 2,500.0 2,500 gp 0.0

When wearing the set, you may hold a sword in the right-hand glove and have it disappear. When this happens, a tiny, glowing glowing icon of the sword appears on one of the plates on the left glove in the form of an inscription. A maximum of four swords at a time may be may be stored in this manner.

When wearing both gloves, as a swift action you may summon any of the swords stored in the left-hand glove to the righthand glove of swords. You may only do this when the right hand is holding nothing or is holding a sword. If the hand is holding a sword, that sword is transformed into an icon on the left glove.

Note that the glowing sword icons can also be removed by grabbing the plate of the icon and pulling, which is the same as pulling a sword out of a pack (a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity). Others may also remove the sword in this manner, an action which is treated as identical to the act of removing an item from someone else’s pack. They can even be the target of a sunder attempt. In essence the stored swords are reduced to tiny replicas rather than shunted off to some extradimensional space.

Infuse Item, Conjurer

1,250 L4L5, SoP

Though these gloves are clearly designed as a set, they are not identical. The left glove is plain brown leather with four mithril plates on the back of the hand. The right glove is of the same leather and style with a matching blue cuff, but is also covered in golden runes (of summoning and possession) that seem to have been branded into the leather.

Magic Items/Goggles of Magic Sight

Goggles of Magic Sight

gear eyes No

faint Divination

1 1,200.0 1,200 gp 1.0 1 lb.

This goggles look like simple goggles used by fliers, but closer inspection reveals that the glasses can be rotated. Moving both glasses to the right position provides the effects of the standard divine effect of the Divination sphere. The effect persists until the user ceases concentration, after which both glasses snap back to their original position.

These goggles can be used 3 times per day.

Infuse Item, Diviner

600 IoP common
Magic Items/Gossamer Shielding Mantle

Gossamer Shielding Mantle

gear shoulders No

faint Protection

1 2,500.0 2,500 gp 0.0

A gossamer shielding mantle grants a +1 shield bonus to AC.

Infuse Item, Abjurer

1,250 L4L6, SOP

Gossamer shielding mantles are made of silvery silk that flutters and waves in an invisible breeze as if it’s made of a piece of endless waterfall. It has clasps crafted in the form of a sword and shield, the sword sitting behind the shield when the cloak is fastened.

Magic Items/Gravewalkers


gear feet No

faint Fate

1 2,000.0 2,000 gp 1.0 1 lb.

While wearing these, undead are unlikely to see you as a threat, instead treating you as one of their own. The undead see and hear you, but don’t think of you as something to be feared, hated, or attacked unless you prove otherwise.

Any unintelligent undead automatically ignore you unless you act against them.

Intelligent undead receive a DC 11 Will save to act normally when they first see you, but if that save fails, they also ignore you until you take some offensive action, or a day passes (granting the intelligent undead a new save).

Infuse Item, Auspician

1,000 L4L4, SOP

The delicate bones that form these sandals are bleached white with age. Worn ligaments hold the bones together, with a flexible sole of fingerbones covering the bottom of the wearer’s foot, and clasps in the form of small animal skulls holding them firmly to the wearer’s ankles.

Magic Items/Great Ring of Aptitude

Ring of Aptitude, Great

gear ring No

faint Enhancement

6 1,600.0 1,600 gp 0.0

These simple steel rings grant a +4 competence bonus to one skill.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

800 L4L2, SoP uncommon
Magic Items/Greater Magical Toolkit

Magical Toolkit, Greater

marvelous item No

faint Mind

5 2,500.0 2,500 gp 2.0 2 lb.

Magical toolkits are elaborate toolsets that offer a +5 competence bonus to one skill.

Infuse Item, Mentalist

1,250 TotS

Many adventurers buy these toolkits to supplement personal weaknesses, such as poor observation skills, or to enhance their abilities in a particular area.

Magic Items/Greater Ring of Aptitude

Ring of Aptitude, Greater

gear ring No

faint Enhancement

4 900.0 900 gp 0.0

These simple steel rings grant a +3 competence bonus to one skill.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

450 L4L2, SoP uncommon
Magic Items/Growing Can

Growing Can

marvelous item No

faint Geomancy

2 1,600.0 1,600 gp 0.0

Once per day, you can pour out the water in a growing can to create a field of ivy, vines, and general plant cover on the ground. This field has a radius of 10 feet.

This is an instantaneous effect and the plants remain on the ground, but may die quickly if the terrain is unsuitable for supporting them. The can refills itself each morning and the water never spills out unless intentionally poured.

Infuse Item, Geomancer, Plant Geomancy, Create Nature

800 TotS uncommon
Magic Items/Guard Stole

Guard Stole

gear shoulders No

faint Enhancement

3 2,400.0 2,400 gp 1.0 1 lb.

Once per day you may activate the guard stole as a standard action. It is active for three hours. If you are attacked during that time, the first attack that would deal damage to you is partially intercepted by the guard stole (which moves to interpose itself), and deals 8 fewer hit points than normal (minimum 0). Once the stole has used this ability, it becomes inanimate again.

Infuse Item, Enhancer, Animate Object

1,200 L4L6, SoP

This fur stole appears to be the pelt of a silver fox, though its eyes look alive and alert.

Magic Items/Hands of a Thousand Blocks

Hands of a Thousand Blocks

gear hands No

faint Divination

1 2,000.0 2,000 gp 0.0

When the wearer takes the total defense full-round action, the hands of a thousand blocks cause the wearer to block, duck, parry, and evade attacks with great skill.

This grants a +2 dodge bonus for 1 round (like all dodge bonuses, this stacks with the +4 dodge bonus granted by using total defense). If the wearer has both hands free (holding nothing) the bonus is instead a +4 dodge bonus to AC.

Infuse Item, Diviner

1,000 L4L5, SoP

These soft leather gloves fit snugly to the hands and forearms of the wearer, held in place by a series of buckles from wrist to elbow. Reinforced sections of thicker leather are found on the backs of the hands, and along the bottom of each glove.

Magic Items/Healer's Gloves

Healer's Gloves

gear hands No

faint Life

1 750.0 750 gp 0.0

The gloves show dirt, blood, and other materials easily, though they also clean themselves one minute after being soiled with such stains.

When wearing these gloves, as a standard action you can touch a creature, object, or area to determine if it has been diseased or is infectious. You can determine the exact type of disease with a DC 20 Wisdom check.

A character with ranks in the Heal skill may try a DC 20 Heal check (as an additional standard action) if the Wisdom check fails.

Infuse Item, Vivomancer

375 L4L5, SoP

These fine white linen gloves are thin and soft, offering little protection but also leaving the wearer still able to feel fine details while wearing them.

Magic Items/Healer's Staff

Healer's Staff

gear implement No

faint Life

3 7,800.0 7,800 gp 4.0 4 lb.

This +1 Life magical implement looks like a giant tube with a plunger on one side and a sharp needle on the other.

In addition to its functions as an implement, the healer’s staff also functions as a flask of the dawn, except that it can directly inject the healing serum into targets if the wielder makes a successful melee attack with the healer’s staff (this does no damage to the target).

Infuse Item, Vivomancer, Deeper Healing

3,900 TotS rare
Magic Items/Heraldic Overbuckle

Heraldic Overbuckle

gear belt No

faint Life

1 2,500.0 2,500 gp 1.0 1 lb.

The overbuckle has one charge, which is renewed every dawn.

If you have the lay on hands ability, while wearing the overbuckle you may spend a charge to use the ability one additional time per day.

Infuse Item, Vivomancer

1,250 L4L8, SoP

This metal decoration is shaped as a small shield and is designed to be clipped on over the buckle of a thick belt (such as those used to carry sword scabbards). When so worn on a nonmagic belt, the front of the overbuckle displays your heraldry. (If you have no heraldry, it displays a white sword on a gold background).

Magic Items/Hit Kickers

Hit Kickers

gear feet No

faint Enhancement

1 2,200.0 2,200 gp 1.0 1 lb.

When you take a full attack action to attack a single foe in melee combat, you may add a single kick attack with these boots. This attack is made at your highest attack bonus, and deals 1d6 points of damage plus your Strength modifier on a successful attack. This attack counts as an armed attack with which you are proficient. This attack may not be used to perform a combat maneuver.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

1,100 L4L4, SoP

These thick, black leather boots are lined with steel buckles up each side and studded steel plates covering the toes.

Magic Items/Inferior Coin Belt

Coin Belt, Inferior

gear belt No

faint Creation

1 20.0 20 gp 1.0 1 lb.

Once per day, you can pry a single copper piece from the buckle of this belt. You must wear the belt for 8 hours before you can get a copper piece from it, and you can never remove more than one copper piece in a single 24 hour period.

Only living, thinking creatures under their own will can use this item. It does not function for constructs, undead, spell effects, summoned creatures, creatures with an Intelligence of less than 8, or those under enchantment spells.

Infuse Item, Creator

10 L4L8

A copper buckle in the shape of a coin holds this simple leather belt firmly fastened.

Magic Items/Inspiring Crest

Inspiring Crest

gear other No

faint Mind

2 1,600.0 1,600 gp 0.0

Inspiring crests are enchanted works of art often affixed to the insides of shields, the bottoms of gauntlets, or other areas where they can be quickly glanced at during battle.

Once per day, as an immediate action, you can look at the inspiring crest to gain a +2 competence bonus to a skill check or an attack roll you have already made. This can change the result, but must be done after rolling and before the result is revealed.

Infuse Item, Mentalist, Inspiration

800 TotS uncommon
Magic Items/Intimidating Cloak

Intimidating Cloak

gear shoulders No

faint Death

1 2,500.0 2,500 gp 1.0 1 lb.

While wearing this cloak, you gain a +5 competence bonus to all Intimidate checks.

Infuse Item, Necromancer

1,250 L4L6, SoP

Though ragged and stained, this dark cloak of heavy cloth is still fearsome in appearance. Its trailing edge is ragged and small holes are found throughout its length, but it constantly swirls and undulates with barely contained menace. Even in still wind, it billows like a black cloud from an approaching thunderstorm.

Magic Items/Ki Wraps

Ki Wraps

gear hands No

faint Enhancement

3 1,600.0 1,600 gp 0.0

Wearing these wraps grants a character with the Stunning Fist feat 1 additional use/day of that ability. They have no effect on characters without the Stunning Fist feat.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

800 L4L5, SOP

This matched set of thick, rough, cloth bands are designed to be wrapped around the wearer’s knuckles to give them protection, in the way that many street brawlers do. Embroidered into the strips are riddles and proverbs from many different cultures.

Magic Items/Leavened Armor

Leavened Armor

gear armor Yes

faint Enhancement

3 500.0 500 gp 0.0

A leavened suit of armor has half its normal weight.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

250 SoP, L4L common
Magic Items/Leavened Shield

Leavened Shield

gear shield Yes

faint Enhancement

3 500.0 500 gp 0.0

A leavened shield has half its normal weight.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

250 SoP, L4L common
Magic Items/Lesser Magical Toolkit

Magical Toolkit, Lesser

marvelous item No

faint Mind

1 100.0 100 gp 2.0 2 lb.

Magical toolkits are elaborate toolsets that offer a +1 competence bonus to one skill.

Infuse Item, Mentalist

50 TotS

Many adventurers buy these toolkits to supplement personal weaknesses, such as poor observation skills, or to enhance their abilities in a particular area.

Magic Items/Lesser Ring of Aptitude

Ring of Aptitude, Lesser

gear ring No

faint Enhancement

1 100.0 100 gp 0.0

These simple steel rings grant a +1 competence bonus to one skill.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

50 L4L2, SoP common
Magic Items/Lesser Ring of Avoidance

Ring of Avoidance, Lesser

gear ring No

faint Enhancement

1 350.0 350 gp 0.0

Rings of avoidance are thin wires that must be wrapped around the wearer’s finger. Anyone wearing such a ring gains a +1 resistance bonus to all Reflex saves.

Infuse Item, Enhancer

175 L4L2, SoP common
