Page values for "Feats/Bronco Buster"

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NameBronco Buster
MainCategoryRide Style






You may attempt to use any nearby animal as a mount.


Gain the following ability:

Bronco Buster

Animal KenDC = creature's CMDStandard Action

You may attempt to mount a creature of the animal type within your reach that is of a size suitable to serve you as a mount.

Success: You move into the creature’s space and it acts as your mount.
The creature may make a Will save each round to break free of your control. If it fails the Will save, it must act as a willing mount for that turn. A new Will save must be made each round until you are thrown or choose to dismount.
Failure: You fail to mount the creature.
If a mounted creature successfully breaks free of your control, it may attempt to throw you once per round as a move action, making a combat maneuver check against a DC of 10 + your Animal Ken skill modifier to force you to dismount in an adjacent square of your choice.

If you possess the Broad Skills feat, you may use this ability on any creature to which your trainer ability applies, though creatures not of the animal type gain a +2 bonus on their Will save.